Am I the only one that wants to SLAP a protester upside the head????

Discussion in '2003 Archive' started by DinkyDoo, Mar 21, 2003.

  1. DinkyDoo New Member

    Nov 23, 2002
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    It is really getting to me. Daily as I live seeing people full of half truths about the world and what they think and how they know and have an opinion! LORD PLEASE COME NOW before I SLAP one of these opinionated liberals upside the head! And thank you LORD for the FULL whole nothing but the truth in your word! THE LORD CAME NOT TO BRING PEACE BUT A SWORD. And by the way, how do these ignorant people think that protesting is peaceful in the first place? I am not saying that people should not be allow to protest, I just think that there should be a good cause. Not a bunch or ignorant opinionated people gettin all hyped up and threating to cause "DEMONSTRATIONS" in order to be heard.
  2. Ernie Brazee <img src ="/ernie.JPG">

    Aug 17, 2001
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    I am not interested in slapping them but will contribute for tickets for them to live in Iraq for a year under the butcher of Baghdad.

    I am all for passing out tracts, if the idiots would have enough sense to read them.
  3. ForYourGlory Member

    Jan 16, 2002
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    Yes,I do know what you mean. What's hard for me and my family is that we have close family members that we have to deal with on this issue. Can't make them understand that it has been because of shed blood that we live in this freedom, and you wouldn't even be able to voice your opinion if it were not for these men and women and WAR.

    Another thing that gets me is that they claim to be such peace loving people, yet some of them are not demonstrating peacefully.

    And yet my other beef, I do not get cable where I live, use the old antenna and of course all I get is these liberal news media stations(NBC,CBS). I am so thankful that I have the Internet so that I can get the truth from real news media! All you hear about is all the protest going on, they will run about 6-10 minutes of it, and then at the end you get a short maybe 1 minute view of people who are supporting our troops and the President. It does make me angry.... :mad: Don't get me started! Would love to send them with a one way ticket to Iraq!

    And although I get angry with them, I do also turn that from anger to prayer. I get upset and then pray asking the Lord to help me with the anger and place them in HIS hands.


    If you get a chance do read the Beth Chapman's speech on another forum, cant remeber which one it was. Will go back and check. (It is in the News affecting Baptist worldwide forum under the BETH CHAPMAN SPEECH) I received this in an e-mail and have sent it to everyone in my e-mail address book, including the family members in which I referred to in the begining of my post.

    [ March 21, 2003, 12:07 PM: Message edited by: ForYourGlory ]
  4. InHim2002 New Member

    May 26, 2002
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    I agree in a democracy we should not tolerate people with differing opinions
  5. Helen <img src =/Helen2.gif>

    Aug 29, 2001
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    InHim, get a grip. It is not a matter of differing opinions. There is far more going on which maybe YOUR news service is not telling you.

    1. Last night and this morning San Francisco turned into an anarchy zone with 'peaceful demonstrators' beating up someone who disagreed with them, breaking a policeman's leg, vandalism of storefronts, clogging entrances to the Oakland-San Francisco Bay Bridge so commuters could not get home or to work this morning. This is not a different opinion, this is an excuse for a mob of sheep to go stampeding at will.

    2. The news is targeting one woman in the demonstrations who explains why she is there. She is SO sad and crying over what could happen to the women and children and old people in a war, and how terrified they must feel. I wonder if she has any flicker of an idea at all that first, we are not targeting civilians, but military installations and Sadam himself and second, that Sadam and his murderous sons target civilians. Rape is one of the favorite passtimes (which information comes from an ex- body guard) of Sadam's oldest son, with the torture of civilians to death a close second. The average Iraqi lives in terror daily of this man and his sons' propensity for demonic violence against his own people. Mustard gassing the Kurds a few years ago was just a clue. But this lady who is so scared for the civilians in a war is all over the news on one station here (ABC, I think).

    3. Having different opinions and expressing them is fine, but when the media presents it in such a way that the troops themselves become, or can become demoralized, that is a whole different story. At that point, as far as I am concerned, it is siding with the enemy, and should be prosecuted as treason. Balanced news would be an entirely different thing. I cannot believe some of the garbage I am hearing some of the major news organizations still put out -- in between footage of war coverage.

    So get off the snide comment about opinions and democracy.
  6. Wayne New Member

    Apr 1, 2002
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    I agree with O'Reilly who said that these PEACE protesters are taking away from our security by having to have policemen taken away from their regular duties to baby sit them.I think a lot of them are doing this purposely.
  7. Daniel David New Member

    Jan 4, 2002
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    The weapons of our warfare are not carnal (fleshly or earthly in this case).

    Why does it surprise us when lost people act lost?

    Btw, would slapping them make them forsake their wrong ideas and convert? :rolleyes:

    Also, I am for this war.
  8. Scott J Active Member
    Site Supporter

    Apr 25, 2001
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    With a madman looking for any reason to have hope, these protests may end up costing many lives by encouraging him to hang on.

    I agree they have a right to peacefully protest. I agree they have a right to make complete and total fools of themselves and be 100% wrong and irresponsible in their political views.

    But these protests are stupid and if they have any effect at all, it will be the opposite of what the stated intent is.
  9. MissAbbyIFBaptist <img src=/3374.jpg>

    May 3, 2002
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    If they havn't got the sense to apreciate the free contry they live in, and can't realize that freedom isn't free, then I'll be happy to help contribute to a plan ticket to a third world contry. I'm sure they'd have a great vacation in the middle east. My preacher has a saying for those who get upset at his preaching and I think it's applicable with this war. "If you don't like it, you're welcome to leave."
    Those Iraqi people deserve the right to freedom just like any other contry. They deserve to not have to live in fear, to have a chance to chose what God they serve. And if people honsetly think we're going to let a mad man like Saddam who hates America, and who has capabilities to use bio chemicles, then we ought to wipe him out!
    It's also important to remember that God even loves a nut like him, and gave his life on Calvary for Saddam's soul just like ours. I wish there was some way to wittness to him, yet I doubt it would do any good, as cold and heartless he is.
    Oh, I'm sure our soldiers feel just great knowing the people they fight for here in the US, are protesting all their efforts. :rolleyes: I'm sorry, but that just makes me mad!
  10. HankD Well-Known Member
    Site Supporter

    May 14, 2001
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    It's ironic.

    If protesters in Iraq try to do what we allow our citizens to do they get gassed (what we are trying to put an end to in Iraq).

  11. Wisdom Seeker New Member

    Jul 17, 2002
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    I just read the opening line of this thread...and chuckled to myself.

    As I was driving past a grammer school, I saw a van parked in front of it (at the curb, not in the lot), that had in large bold letters in it's window "Stop Terrorism, Stop Bush, Stop the Bombing" ...and I couldn't help fantasising about pelting that van with eggs. But to believe in freedom of speech...and I do...I have to believe that people have the freedom to express themselves...even if I don't like it.


    My mom and sister are very loudly and aggressively leftist, politically. I am not looking forward to discussing this topic with them.
  12. Johnv New Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    I have no problem with people peaceably assembling in protest or support.

    It's when they disregard the word "peaceable" that I get bent out of shape.
  13. TheOliveBranch New Member

    Jul 17, 2002
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    It wouldn't be news if the media weren't there. Why do they get headlines? I'd turn my back on them and leave. Why promote what we don't want to see? They can have their freedom of speech, but they don't have to bother me either.
  14. Wisdom Seeker New Member

    Jul 17, 2002
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    Same reason why people gawk at car crashes and chant "fight! fight! fight! when a fist fight breaks out. Controversy sells newspapers and makes people tune in.

    Not saying that that is what we should desire...I'm just saying that it's human (carnal) nature, that when your heart starts pumping as a reaction to's more desired above (the snores...of) niceness.

    Just an observer of human nature...didn't mean to sound so pessimistic. ;)
  15. susanpet New Member

    Dec 26, 2001
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    I agree completely. I think they just want to put on a show and be seen on TV. Don't they have enough sense to realize that we are under a high terror threat and that we need to let our home security personnel be on the look out for any terrorist activity.
    But some people will protest just for the sake of protesting.

  16. LadyEagle <b>Moderator</b> <img src =/israel.gif>

    Feb 7, 2002
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    Probably not.... But I'd sure feel great!
  17. 2Timothy4:1-5 New Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    DinkyDoo has said...

    and Ernie has said...

    Hmmmm, where is the Christian love??? I wonder if Jesus ever called someone who disagreed with Him an opinionated liberal or an idiot??

    OliveBranch has said...

    Gee, now we know how unbelievers feel when we witness to them; "You [Christians] can have your religion, just don't bother me with it."


    p.s. i have my flame-proof suit on, so fire away; show me the love of Christ. :D
  18. Daniel David New Member

    Jan 4, 2002
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    Probably not.... But I'd sure feel great!
    </font>[/QUOTE]Nice attitude. Btw, thanks for demonstrating why Christians are not to try to force a christianized society. Better to win converts (which actually is our mission). Leave such fanciful ideas to the postmillenials, Sheeagle.
  19. DinkyDoo New Member

    Nov 23, 2002
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    I guess I should have said "slapped them upside the head with the bible" THat would sound more christian like. Sorry to sound violent, I was just aggervated. I should be using GODS SWORD instead of my hand.
    Today i saw a bunch of hippee like people on a bridge holding a peace flag. One of the signs said "honk if your against the war" This was in rush hour traffic, not a sound of a horn was heard for MILES(atleast while I drove by). I had to stick my head out and say GO BUSH GO!!!!!!!! It was way to silent!

    Romans 10:3  For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God.

    PS. God uses the word ignorant 17 times in the bible always refering to man. :cool:
  20. Daniel David New Member

    Jan 4, 2002
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    Dinky Doo, would they be any more righteous if they were republicans?

    Btw, I am a registered republican who totally supports this freedom effort. These particular protestors are a menace to society.

    Truth, justice, freedom. Those words once meant something.