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Common Ground Coffee House #102

Discussion in 'Free-For-All Archives' started by I Am Blessed 24, Sep 27, 2006.

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  1. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Good morning all,

    I guess the pellet stove will have to wait. The lowest I've found is $1200.00 with a $500.00 installation fee. I don't know what the pellets cost.

    That would be $1700.00+ for heat this winter.

    Last year our bill ran almost $400.00 for the 2 coldest months. I shudder to think about this year! It is never lower than $200.00 during the winter and I keep the thermostat set low in the daytime and even lower at night.

    Time for breakfast,
  2. Barnabas H.

    Barnabas H. <b>Oldtimer</b>

    Jul 1, 2000
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    Morning Gina! It is good to see you up bright and early (or was it late). Heard a great report about you and your studies. I am proud of you. :)

    Lady Sue, the pellet stove will probably pay for itself in a few years and then start to save money for you. But you may not want to buy it just yet. I got in good authority that this winter will be somewhat milder (thank God). They blame it on the El Niño phenomena and other meteorological events. But if not, you may not come back to me and say, "Barnabas, what was that you said on September 30th about a mild winter?!!!!" :type:
  3. annsni

    annsni Well-Known Member
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    May 30, 2006
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    Good afternoon all! I didn't get on this morning because I had to take my 3 year old daughter to a birthday party in hell - umm- err - Chuck E. Cheeses. I hate that place with a passion!! Atleast it was very quiet this morning and not as bad as it could have been but I still hate it. I honestly think that's what hell will be like - C.E.C. at 3:00 on a rainy Saturday afternoon. **SHUDDER**

    I'm home now from running around and hitting up some stores. I have a bridal shower tomorrow after church and didn't get in on the group gift so I had to find something myself. It's tough to have a budget of $20-30 for a bridal shower but that's all I had. I got a beautiful soft blanket that's perfect for snuggling under and a most gorgeous set of candles to go with it. GREAT for a romantic evening snuggle. :love2: I thank God that the whole thing cost me just $25!! I can't believe it!

    So now it's time to clean this house - something we usually do Saturday morning. DH is out with my 5 year old son on the boat and I have the girls. With the teens away all week at school, and tons of homework to do at night, I try to take 2 hours each weekend and just clean - it makes a big difference!!

    So, off I go!! Have a great day eveyrone!

  4. Gina B

    Gina B Active Member

    Dec 30, 2000
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    Hi there Barnabas! That was around 9pm. I never got to say good morning so figured I'd do it before bed. :laugh:

    As for my studies, I'm glad the report was good. I'm even gladder (yes I make up my own words) that you weren't given a math report, for that may change your opinion of me. :saint:

    On here taking a short break before I run out and get the rest of the things I forgot to get earlier! I've got writing appts and such down, now I've gotta start making lists.

    So far I've got the kitchen clean and am all proud of me. Even the cupboards are wiped out and the spices in alphabetical order and all that good stuff. So what's the problem? I put all the odds and ends that I wasn't sure what to do with on the kitchen table. So now I have to clean the kitchen table, and it was clean before I started cleaning the kitchen! I find this turn of events very disturbing and most illogical. There's some sort of unfairness involved, but since I made the mess, I haven't figured out how to blame fate instead of myself, but I'm working on it.

    In the meantime I have a BIG ol' pot of bean soup on the stove! Unfortunately the beans got bigger than the pot so now it's two pots. It's that and cornbread for dinner. I haven't ever made bean soup this way before and am not sure how it will turn out! Normally I keep it very simple, one type of bean and a soup bone and some onions and salt and pepper, but this time I also added lentils to add to the mush factor, but I also put carrots in instead of just onion, might throw some celery in after the store, plus added a tad more spices. It SMELLS good!

    While cooking and cleaning I've got on a new favorite CD of praise music (mostly hymns) and occasionally I just have to stop and laugh. There's a few songs on there that I've only learned as sung by people who live off cornpone, squirrel, and fried pickles, and the "cleaned up" version just cracks me up! For example, this was the first time I've heard "Angel Band" or "Unclouded Day" sung without an accent. Not even a banjo. And it's on key! It's nice, they're still beautiful songs, but occasionally I just really miss hearing a mess of folks singing loud and off key! Then I go back to church on Sunday and it's all good again. Hehehe (I'm counting on nobody from there being on this board)

    Hope everyone is having a great day! Pray for me as I take my children out in public. They're now old enough to repay me in public for all the times I've embarassed THEM in public, and they were many. :praying:
  5. Helen

    Helen <img src =/Helen2.gif>

    Aug 29, 2001
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    So THAT'S why Gina offered to bring us some bean soup and corn bread for dinner. Her girls told us it wouldn't be 'normal'.....

    This is going to be interesting!
  6. preacher

    preacher New Member

    May 9, 2001
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    "by people who live off cornpone, squirrel, and fried pickles"
    GINA!!!! Of all people you ought to know better!!! BH is up on her stump just ashakin cause she was in here readin too!! She asked me, does ya'll really eat us?? Poor Pitiful Pathetic BH. We've managed for almost 3 yrs to sheild her from the awful truth. Now what am I to do?
    As Gomer would say....Shame Shame!!
  7. Gina B

    Gina B Active Member

    Dec 30, 2000
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    Not normal for us usually means normal for everyone else, so fear not. Ok maybe just a little...but I'm tellin' ya, it SMELLS really yummy!
    And I'm learning the differences in texture and taste when you cook two exact things but in two different kinds of pots.

    Let us all remember there are no mistakes, just experiments gone dreadfully, horribly awry.

    (but really, I tasted it and thought it was pretty good so far!)
  8. Helen

    Helen <img src =/Helen2.gif>

    Aug 29, 2001
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    OK, she brought it over and it is in our oven, hiding from Chris. I'm afraid to go and look.....:smilewinkgrin:
  9. Gina B

    Gina B Active Member

    Dec 30, 2000
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    Hey now, it looks just fine! (just look at it now before it fades to gray)

    What you SHOULD be worried about is the cornbread.
    I forgot I was doubling the recipe, but I didn't forget until after I mixed the corn meal and flour.

    Then I mixed the wet ingredients. Then I remembered to double them so added more.

    Then I said to myself "self, you forgot to double the salt and the baking powder".

    Then I said to myself "self, that can't be good".

    So I mixed it up and looked at it and these little chunks of white stuff said "you. yeah you! we're little balls of wet baking powder mixed with salt and when you bit into this bread, we explode in a burst of bitter flavor!"

    So I said to myself "self, you gotta fix that."

    So I took a fork and mushed it all in tiny increments.

    So it should be safe.

    I certainly had fun making this stuff though!

    BTW I DID make a list and I did go to the store. Got there and found out I forgot to take the list. Not kidding.
  10. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Preacher, I think you and I oughter be thankful we live on the other side of the country and maybe add a little prayer for Helen an' Gina's kids who must partake of this mea----ummm, hmmmm, meal? :smilewinkgrin:

    Another busy day! Things have got to slow down around here soon, I'm having BB withdrawals!

    We had us a housecleaning this morning and then worked on T's truck all afternoon. Sometime, someone is going to have to explain to me why making a truck 3" higher than the factory made it is somehow a fun thing to do. Cause that is what he's been doing all day, with occasional help from---ME. To bad I'm to cheap to pay someone else to install the lift.

    :( He made me miss the end of the Alabama/Florida game. I gotta go find out who won. Bama was ahead at halftime but that doesn't mean much as they seem to blow it all in the third quarter.

    See ya!
  11. Gina B

    Gina B Active Member

    Dec 30, 2000
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    Rotten but in a good way! :laugh:

    I suddenly panicked, remembering that my first math quiz is due by 11:55 pm...TONIGHT!

    I just went to the website and with baited breath, started the timed quiz I have been dreading for days.

    It was just questions about the course.

    "When is the final due?"

    "How can you contact your instructor?"

    "Do you ever have to go to the campus for tests?"

    HA HA HA!

    Ah man.

    THANK YOU MS INSTRUCTOR for both the laugh and the relief!

    I think I like her.

    I hope the final is the same thing. :smilewinkgrin:
  12. Helen

    Helen <img src =/Helen2.gif>

    Aug 29, 2001
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    It was GOOD! Bean soup was thick with a lot of things in it and really balanced taste. Carrots not quite cooked enough, but with the rest of it so good, who cared? The corn bread was excellent. You folks missed a treat!
  13. Barnabas H.

    Barnabas H. <b>Oldtimer</b>

    Jul 1, 2000
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    Oh boy! There goes the soup. I like my carrots well cooked.... sort of melting in your mouth. Ah well, there'll be a next time. :)
  14. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    I don't put carrots in my bean soup, but I do put potatoes in it. Makes it more filling. Yummmmmmm.

    Good morning all,

    It is 46º right now, but will be 81º this afternoon and in the mid 80's the rest of the week. Indian Summer? I hope so! I need to get outside and 'winterize'.

    Shawna went out to get some donuts and I have a craving for chocolate milk.

  15. annsni

    annsni Well-Known Member
    Site Supporter

    May 30, 2006
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    Good morning all. I'm just on for a couple of minutes - wanted to check on another board that I'm on where I got reamed for mentioning that I spank. Oh well!

    I've got to get out a little early today since I have to work at church doing 2 different things. I've been doing the computer/projector for the 2nd service for a few weeks now (it's my job to set it all up - today I'll just run it) and then we also have a "Welcome Center" where people get information and sign up for things and the woman who normally does that has to leave early so I've got to cover that at the end of 1st service. Hey, atleast I'll earn a little moolah today! Can always use that! I wouldn't normally put it the time for the computer stuff on Sunday but Pastor said to definately do it since I'm not able to just worship or listen to the message like I normally do - that I AM actually working. Well, if you put it that way! ;)

    After church today, we'll go out for a Chinese buffet with my ILs who will meet us there and then I have a bridal shower from 3-6. Fortuantely DH is easy and he's fine with me just making grilled cheese and tomato sandwiches with tomato soup. Whew! That makes my life easier.

    Hope you all have a great day! It's chilly and rainy here but that's OK - I'm busy all day.

  16. Gina B

    Gina B Active Member

    Dec 30, 2000
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    (the veggies prefer the term "softness impaired" hehe)
    Barnabas, SOME of the carrots were melty. LOL
    I realized at about 10pm that there were carrots and onions still not quite done. I'd added extra of both about halfway through and had thought they finished! (until I got a part with them in it and was very suprised)
    Of course, there could always be an excuse.

    1. It was a texturized soup
    2. The veggies refused to assimilate
    3. Those weren't carrots!

    Have a great day all. I've got quite an interesting next few days ahead so I'll prolly see ya Thursday. :type: Be good!
  17. Gina B

    Gina B Active Member

    Dec 30, 2000
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    BH, I didn't see your daddy's post!

    You really thought I meant squirrel, as in the cute little furry animal with the puffy tail?

    NO WAY!

    You see, "squirrel" is secret code for a fried pickle with the stem left on! They call it that because of the brown color and the stem resembling a tail.

    I am SO sorry you were frightened!

    Can I make it up to you by letting you in on a secret? If bite Preacher, he tastes just like a nut. (there's good reason for this) Anyhow, give it a try and let me know how it goes!
  18. AVL1984

    AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Good morning all,

    Tues of last week I started feeling strange (okay...no wise-cracks! ;) ) and all of a sudden I broke into a sweat. One side of my face went totally numb and I didn't know what in blue blazes was going on. It was the second or third time that this had happened. I was nauseated and dizzy, so I went to bed for a few hours. Vivian came home, and I don't remember anything until we got up on Wednesday. I had only been up a few minutes when I broke out into a sweat, had to run to the restroom and hurled all over the place. I got it all cleaned up and Viv asked what had happened. I told her, and she immediately called in to work and told them she wasn't coming in. The same thing happened on Thursday morning (and most of the day Wednesday), so Viv made me go to our doctor on an outpatient basis. It was a newer strand of the flu virus. He also did an ultrasound because of the dizziness and the numbness. No mini-strokes, praise the Lord! It was MIGRAINE related! I never knew that migraines could paralyze a persons face of one side of the body for a very short period of time. It was related to a cluster headache...These started again a few weeks back. But, now I'm feeling much better. :godisgood:

    As I was lying in bed, feeling a bit sorry for myself, angry with God for allowing this to happen in my life, he hit me over the head:tonofbricks:and made me realize that it was for HIS own pleasure, and for my own good. I hadn't been listening to God. I had been taking on too much trying to put God on the back burner. We all want to feel " in control " of things, but, we're not, and God had to show me that yet again. WE truly don't have control over many of the events in our everyday life. But, we do have control over how we handle them. Again I say :godisgood: !!!!

    I hope all have been well, and have been keeping the eyes looking upwards! The events in the Middle East have many people thinking about God, the Bible and spiritual things. There have been multiple opportunities to witness for Christ.

    Please pray for us as Vivian and I continue to seek God's guidance in where we need to be for a church home. I've had at least six people this past week tell me that they felt the Lord leading them to talk to me about Franklin Road Baptist Church. We were members there years ago. It may well be that the Lord wants us back there. We are planning on going on Wednesday evening to the prayer service, and I plan on setting up an appointment with Bro. Mike Norris, the pastor. He's a good man, and he's always given Vivian and me the straight, honest truth. Lord knows I don't like the idea of becoming an Independent Fundamental Baptist again, but, it looks as if the Lord is truly leading us that way. All we know is that we want to be in the center of God's will, serving and growing where HE wants us, and not just where we "feel comfortable". If we're in the right place, He'll give us the right comfort we need.

    Blessings on you all. I pray for ya'll every day.

    Bro. T

  19. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Smile when you say that, Bro. Tony! :smilewinkgrin:

    When I first started reading your symptoms, I thought you might be in the 'family way'. :tongue3:

    Good morning all,

    It is 65º already and heading for a high of 90º! Supposed to be like this all week. Yep! Indian Summer is here...

    I'm going to take advantage of it and do some work outside today. Brent and I can take down the swing and put it in the utility shed for the winter, as well as the picnic table and chairs.

    Tomorrow, we will be in Springfield all day having the cancer removed from my nose. We will be leaving home around 6:30 a.m. (30 minute drive). So, I may not get on here to say good morning, but will check in when I get back - Dr. said that could be anywhere from noon until 8:00 at night - depending on what they find.

    Y'all be :praying: for me please,
  20. Jim1999

    Jim1999 <img src =/Jim1999.jpg>

    Aug 10, 2002
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    Good Monday morning to one and all!

    I should like to have some of Sue's weather here...It is sunny to-day, but cold and getting ready for winter. All the best to you Sue in the upcoming teatments on your proboscis,,,,,er,nose. May all go well for you. My prayers are with you.

    Tony, good to know you were not having a stroke. I assure you, that is not a pleasant thing at all.

    Have a great day everyone.


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