Discussion in 'Free-For-All Archives' started by I Am Blessed 24, Jan 10, 2005.

  1. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Sounds good! Come on over!

    Having ham 'n' beans and cornbread tomorrow night (with left-over ham).
  2. dianetavegia Guest

    I'm back from church. It's COLD!

    Oh,I'd rather have collard greens and sliced tomatoes! YUM YUM Even turnip or mustard greens. I like spinach but the others are tastier to me.

    Now Blackbird, Benny Hinn you aren't... ;) and I'm not letting you NEAR my eyes with that Dremel tool! Free or NOT!

    Christian, Dallas? Thought you were a New Yawker! I've got a cataract in my left eye and some drusen. Not sure if they'll do it yet. I've heard tell you have to be REALLY blind before they'll do cataract surgery. My concern is.... if they come up for a treatment for Dry Macular Degeneration AFTER I have cataract surgery, will I have made a bad decision.

    So... I sent Jim with Miss Amy (24) and the older kids and had one of our youth help me with the 1st and 2nd graders. I had 5. Amy had 6 kids. I let the children divide into two groups and write their own play. Both did really funny things but one was extra funny. I then had them all choose puppets and work on their hand movements to words by singing songs. It took longer to choose which puppet each one wanted than it did to sing the songs. LOLOL

    Football.... ug. At least I have to IRON tonight. :eek:
  3. Christianbsw New Member

    Jan 13, 2005
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    I really wish you could visit with my mother. She has the Macular degeneration, also. "DRY"? Never heard of that part.
    I was born in Dallas and am identified as a "Baylor Baby" by was my father before me!. Of course I didn't go there. My father passed away in 1973 and my family moved to Nebraska (of all places). In 1993, I made my way back to Dallas and bought a house. Lived there until 2003 and then moved to London for six months. I then came back to Dallas for six months and now attend school in NYC. There has been a lot of change!
    I didn't become a Baylor student, but was at Criswell College for a year. Wonderful experience. Miss the professors there.
  4. dianetavegia Guest

    Macular Degeneration has two forms. The 'wet' kind is quick. It's caused by a bleeding where the dry is caused by a build up of drusen over years. I'm really young to have cataracts or drusen but I have very light blue eyes, grew up in the deep south with white sand beaches and didn't wear sun glasses. I'm trying to reverse or stop the drusen with vitamins and veggies, as well as prayer.

    How old is your mom? I'm 54, been married going on 35 years to Jim (he sometimes posts and his username is Jim) and we have 4 children. Scott is 33, Erin, 29 and Jon is 28. Nick was our daughter's baby the winter after highschool. We adopted him as an infant. He turned 10 a few weeks ago on my 54th birthday.
  5. Christianbsw New Member

    Jan 13, 2005
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    You are young. My mother is 74, I believe. Her mother had cateracts, also and her father had poor eyesite. I am 41 and have been wearing glasses since age 10. My oldest sister is the only member of my immediate family who hasn't worn glasses (for daily use). I love the beaches. My first remembered beach trip (ocean / sea side) was the English Channel in 2003. I flew over to England at night and didn't even see the ocean one lick! On the way back, I didn't see it either! I spent a couple of trips to the English Channel and crossed it a couple of times on a ferry boat. I have been to the Mediteranean while in Spain and Tunisia. Quite beautiful! I have photos but am not certain if I can add them to a post. The beaches in Tunisia were quite lovely. I spent a day at the beach on Long Island with two colleagues just before school started. It was fun.
  6. dianetavegia Guest

    Christian, MY mother is 72~ :eek: She's had cataracts but only in the last few years. My husband had them about 8 years ago from prednisone.

    We lived in Connecticut for almost 13 years. Our daughter and her family are still there. (Just moved back from Maine) Our oldest son is in Baltimore with his family. Jon lives in Atlanta and is single.
  7. Christianbsw New Member

    Jan 13, 2005
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    How does Nick like school? I work with some 9 and 10 year olds in an afterschool program. THey are a hoot! What is Atlanta weather like this time of year?
  8. dianetavegia Guest

    Nick LOVES school because I homeschool him. He excels in a number of subjects. Villa Rica is one of the worst school systems in Georgia and Georgia is one of the worst states in the U.S. educationally. Would you believe we have some 5th graders on our Puppet Team at church who can barely read?

    It's COLD tonight! We've had 70° since before Christmas and it's 26° with strong winds so the wind chill is in the teens tonight. Many houses in our county aren't insulated, well heated or even rainproof, let alone wind and cold proofed. I feel so sorry for those people. There's a mission where they can go to sleep on nights like this or our church will put them up in a hotel.

    [ January 16, 2005, 09:06 PM: Message edited by: dianetavegia ]
  9. Gayla New Member

    Jan 21, 2002
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    I've got 3 going. Had 4 while working on Saggy's! Also have cross-stitch project going, and at least 2 books.

    Little by little
    bit by bit . . .
  10. dianetavegia Guest

    Gracious Gayla! I'd be so confused. LOL Oh, wait, I'm already confused! :eek:

    Remembering your tests this week! Praying for and expecting good news. God is still in the miracle business.

    So, Ty went home with his grandparents this weekend and I don't have to get up tomorrow morning. He's done this before and I still get paid for the full week if he comes or not.

    We're going to watch and old b/w ghost movie with Ray Milland. TTYL,
  11. Christianbsw New Member

    Jan 13, 2005
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    Oh my word! Have enough irons in the fire, Gayla? I need to learn to expand on the one stitch I can make, though I haven't found anyone that will teach me, patiently, yet. Oh well. I have found that crafts relax me.

    That's really too bad about both the schools and the weather! It sounds like it is similar to the weather we have in Dallas. HUD sometimes offers grant assistance to low-income families for insulating homes. Also foundations like Enterprise Foundation and others offer the same. There are also programs through local power companies to insulate. The water company, in Dallas, will give you a break on an excessive bill if you simply go into the bathroom and replace the plunger unit in the toilet (being that this is a major contributor in many homes to sudden jumps in water usage as they break). We need to educate our Church members, and then others about these programs. They need to be massively utilized!
  12. Dan Todd Active Member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    Diane - quit complaining about the cold - you could live where Jim lives up in Canada - and be really cold.

    Christian - where are you going to school in NYC?

    We've had a bit of snow today - and it is cold! It was about 13 F this morning.

    How would you have liked to play football in the cold and the snow up in New England today?

    Dan - not complaining - Yet!
  13. Christianbsw New Member

    Jan 13, 2005
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    I don't play ball except with the kids and since they refuse to wear coats, we don't go out in the cold. Gives me a good reason to stay warm! So you like sports? Not complaining.
  14. Gib Active Member

    Feb 24, 2003
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    Have they got a dome? :eek:
  15. blackbird Active Member

    Feb 21, 2002
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    Gib??? Have you noticed??? The "Crocheter's" are hijackin' our thread!!! Its a cryin' shame!! And Blackbird thought he'd never live to see the day when that would happen!! We've gone the way of the transgressers, we have! From kats to kro-shay-ers!!!

    Has anyone ever watched "The Caine Mutiny" with Humphrey Bogart and Fred McMurrey??
  16. TaterTot Guest

    hy yall - its been a while since I checked in here. It cccccold here, too, at least comparatively. (33)
    We had a good day at church. The inlaws came to town today since they cant come to my almost 4 year old's "family party" at our dear friend Chuck's place. Yall know him? Yep, we go waaaay back with that Cheese family. (I am a little sad, though. My BABY is growing up!!!) The birthday girl gets to choose where we eat lunch on her birthday, and thats where she chose! The real birthday party is a little Tea Party. I think its gonna be precious. We are having hot tea, petit fours, tiny sandwiches, and I dont know what else (suggestions?). A lady in the church has made some dresses for the occasion. The birthday girl will be wearing a bridal gown.

    Anyone remember the butterfly larvae my mother sent us in the mail? Well 3 of the 5 have come out of their cacoons. They really are pretty. One's cacoon never attached to the top of the container like it was suposed to, and it has a shriveled up wing. They are named "Hermie, Wormie, Hannah, Sarah, and Mama" - No Cinderella this time.

    I guess thats all the goin's-on around here. See yall!
  17. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Good morning all:

    It is 3º this morning, with an expected high of 11º today and a low of -5º tonight.

    Tater: You could always have the 'white rabbit' or the 'mad hatter' stop by for your tea party - just stay away from the mirrors!

    No school today so I don't have to work on the corner. I am staying in and keeping warm! Brent will still have school and I have some ironing to do. I might do some baking too. I love to do that on really cold days...

  18. blackbird Active Member

    Feb 21, 2002
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    No crochetin'??? There ought to be a rule about talkin' about that---Blackbird has an image he has to keep in front of the "boys", you know!!!
  19. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Sure blackbird - I'm gonna crochet while my cornbread is bakin'!!!
  20. Gib Active Member

    Feb 24, 2003
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    Blackbird-I tried to derail their girlish attempts to feminize this forum any further. But, I failed to factor in their stamina for such banterings.

    Now ironing is something we CAN talk about as long as the women keep doin' it.