Discussion in 'Free-For-All Archives' started by I Am Blessed 24, Jan 10, 2005.

  1. Thankful <img src=/BettyE.gif>

    Mar 5, 2002
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    Thanks for the suggestions on getting the pills down Muffin. I have put that pill as far back in his mouth, held his tongue, closed his mouth, rubbed his throat, and he still some how keeps from swallowing it.

    I think I will have to try a new trick each day. I'm about ready to ask the vet to just give him shots. These are steroid shots and the vet does not want to give them very often, but they are the only that keeps Muffin from scratching and chewing himself.

    I'm so hoarse I can't talk on the phone and it seems that everyone I have every known is calling to talk. Just wait, when I can talk, no one will want to.

    And, how does the house get upside down when I'm too sick to do anything about it. At least, I have completed unpacking and washing of three weeks' dirty clothes.

    I'm going to feel better, I'm going to feel better...
  2. dianetavegia Guest

    Ah Betty! The tiny white pills? It's prednisone and not only does it taste nasty, it leaves a horrible taste in the mouth afterward. No wonder he doesn't want to take it!

    It's over 70° now and Nick and Morgan are out riding bikes. Max and Ty are playing and watching t.v.

    I got our gas bill for last month! $178. for our heat! That's too much. PTL, we usually only have 2 cold months.
  3. menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    My gas bill was way up last month too, Diane. They claim it was due to the colder temps but I hate to tell them, I only use gas to cook with and in my fireplace logs when it is really cold. We normally heat with electricity and the power bill was down.

    Betty, when you figure out the house deal let me know! I cleaned yesterday and then cleaned again today. I was only to sick to clean one day and that was Sunday.

    You can also try blowing straight into his face while you hold your doggies mouth closed. That will often make them swallow involuntarily. I have a dog that can find the pill in almost everything I put it in. My solution is to crush it and mix it in a little honey and water and squirt it down.
  4. dianetavegia Guest

    I have gas hot water, gas stove, gas logs and heat but STILL. It's usually a LOT less than that. I've got my doors open today.

    I think prednisone is to be taken whole but that might be because of the nasty taste. It might not even BE prednisone but that's what I gave a cat with allergies years ago.
  5. menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    There are a few things that can't be crushed and a few capsules that aren't supposed to be opened because the coating keeps it from dissolving in the wrong part of the digestive tract. I should have said to ask the vet first. (bad me)

    What I usually have to crush are the tranquillizers we have to give Hammer before we take him to the vet. Silly dog is terrified of strangers.

    The last couple of years, I have had a high gas bill one month only to have a couple of very low bills come in a couple of months later. I wondered then if they misread my meter and then corrected it. This time I wonder if they simply raised the rates.
  6. dianetavegia Guest

    That could be! Of course, I didn't look. It may have been for more days since there was the holiday and I did make stock several times which means my stove goes all day. I cleaned the oven once too.
  7. Thankful <img src=/BettyE.gif>

    Mar 5, 2002
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    Goodness, our gas bill was only $49.00, but son's all electric condo was $215.00. He likes it warm!

    Our house is twice the size of his condo and it takes about half the amount of gas and electricity to cool and heat our home. We have a heat pump and it seems to be very economical and also comfortable.

    I just saw a small child (about 7) go by on a motorized scooter. Do you have those in your neighborhood? I am afraid that a child is going to be hit by a car because these scooters are difficult to see.
  8. dianetavegia Guest

    We have gas heat Betty and it's a two level house.
    I just checked and we used a little less this year than last year this time but it was for 4 more days also.

    Our electric never runs more than $55. a month and I do wash and use the dryer every day.

    Nick has a battery powered mini/ dirt bike that goes 7 to 8 mph but I won't let him ride it when the people are coming in from work. Most of the day there is no traffic.
  9. menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Scooters are fine if the streets are quiet. I question whether or not a seven year old should be riding one unsupervised though. Our street is like Diane's and the only traffic is early in the morning and in the evening. I still won't let Bitsy ride her bike out of my sight and she is nearly seven. She has about another year before I'll let her ride the neighborhood unsupervised even though our area is completely enclosed (one way into the neighborhood, the same way to get out). There are only about two blocks(40 homes) in our neighborhood and I know most of the folks who live here and I'm still not comfortable with her out of my sight.

    I'm a picky mama I suppose.

    Diane, your gas and power together are in line with what mine are together. I have a dinosaur of a heat pump that runs my electric up a little higher. It is on the replacement list but it needs to get us through this winter and next. Once it is replaced our power bills will come down some. One thing that makes a big difference in our power bill is using 40 watt bulbs instead of 60 watt.
  10. dianetavegia Guest

    Our street is a cul de sac and almost everyone works from early a.m. til way after dark. The school buses come before 7 a.m. and then come back at 3:50 so we know the schedule. Nick is 10 and almost as tall as me. He also is one of the only children who wears his helmet no matter what he's riding; bike, mini bike or razor scooter (foot powered).

    Click here to see mini bike

    Nick's is so close to the ground that it's impossible to fall. It's for kids 6-12.
  11. Gayla New Member

    Jan 21, 2002
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    Thankful Betty, ;)

    We have a Heat Pump also, and back when it was real cold in Dec., we couldn't get the house warm enough. It cools great.
    Is there a trick to getting it warm?
  12. menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    At ten, you can trust Nick to pay attention to what is going on around him.

    At seven(in a month), Bitsy will still take off without even knowing what is going on around her. She took off through the church parking lot Sunday morning and ran across the street to the lot we were parked in, all without seeing the the four or five cars that were either moving, or about to move. Thank goodness they were watching HER. Boy did she get a good scolding when I caught up with her!

    Now way am I letting her loose on a bike out of my sight.

    Does it hurt your feelings that your baby is almost as tall as you? I hate that Precious is growing up so fast. She and I can wear each others clothes(as if). I'd rather she stay little for a while longer.
  13. menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Gayla, if you haven't already have someone check your unit out. If it doesn't have enough freon(coolant) in it, it won't heat or cool correctly. I know this from experience, our main unit used to have a leak that more than one person tried to find but couldn't. I knew when it needed more by the temp in the house.
  14. Thankful <img src=/BettyE.gif>

    Mar 5, 2002
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    Gayla, we have auxiliary heat that comes on when the temperature is two degrees off what is set. The auxiliary heat does not come on often. Our house stays very warm. We set out thermostat on 72.9 all year. This seems to be the most comfortable setting.
  15. dianetavegia Guest

    Gayla, we had a heat pump in the brand new house in Cleveland, Ga. I called it a warm pump. I was NEVER warm. We keep our heat set on 68° during the day but down to 62° at night. It never seems to come on but we can't hear it. We might see a curtain blow.

    Yep, Nick's very good. He'll pull off to the side of the road even if only one car is coming and on the opposite side. He only goes to the houses on either side of us. We all have almost an acre so that's a decent amount. Up further than that is a pretty good curve so that I couldn't see him even from our front porch. He's not allowed to go that far. The other direction is only 2 houses to the stop sign. I can see him clearly even from my windows that way.

    I'm 5'2" and Nick's only a couple inches shorter than me. He's a handsome boy.

    Jim got in late tonight. He had a late appointment. Nick and I ate as soon as the last kids left and Jim just ate and now he's hooking up Nick's mini bike to the charger. We're both so tired! Been up since 5:30.

    I got my bed made about 4:30 LOL. That won't happen again. Makes Me Crazy!
  16. menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Heehee, glad to know I'm not the only picky mama.

    T just got in as well. Earlier than I expected so I'm going to make sure he found something to eat. I don't usually cook on his late nights. Precious was supposed to get him something but.....she's not always reliable. ;)
  17. dianetavegia Guest

    Well I'm shutting down and watching a little t.v. before dozing off. Ty will be here at 5:30 again. At least I can go back to sleep tomorrow morning!

    Night all. Hope those colds and bronchitis get better soon.

  18. Dr. Bob Administrator

    Jun 30, 2000
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    Not much working with 3' of snow and -15F
  19. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Morning all:

    We are getting more rain! I think I like snow better - at least I don't get as wet!

    Back to normal after Brent's birthday yesterday. I told him he could take a day off from school. We had fun. He is way ahead in his work for this year anyway.

    House-cleaning chores to do today so will be in and out.

  20. menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Morning everyone!

    I have Bitsy home again. :rolleyes: I'm trying to decide whether or not to take her to the doctor and whether or not I feel like sitting in the docs office for the two hour average. Right now I only feel like going back to sleep. Stupid cold medicine...

    Sue I'm glad ya'll had a good day!

    Dr. Bob, ya'll need to move south. Our supposed cold temps have already been changed to "it's going to be cooler". Yesterday they were telling us that the high's were going to be in the 40's by Friday. Today they say it's going to stay in the 50's and maybe even the low 60's on Friday. Doesn't look like we are going to get much winter.