Discussion in 'Free-For-All Archives' started by I Am Blessed 24, Jan 23, 2006.

  1. preacher New Member

    May 9, 2001
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    Evening All!!
    I've been reading & trying to see whats going on but BH [B}Will Not[/B] leave me alone!! She is a creature posessed this evening! 7 vf rrrrrrrrrrr bbbnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn jj090 ,;';\\\\\\\\\\\\\\hnnnnnnnnnnnnn'33e ee

    SORRY, I'll have to try later...she willnot leave my hands alone
  2. preacher New Member

    May 9, 2001
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    I'll try again fore' I go to get Agee. BH is laying on the back of the chair, i think she actually wore herself Out!!!
    Sue glad to hear everything went well.
    Thankful I'll add my Hello & glad to see yun's back.Me & Agee celebrated the 14th of Jan, & we never had a first honeymoon yet...let alone a second!! Not complaining, just telling. Thats one reason I'm hoping this business will take off so I can take her somewhere special.
    If I don't get back tonite it's cause I'm just about wore out myself, had a gruelling day at work & they wouldn't give us all the help we needed. If it hadn't been for my Lord strengthing me I would have walked out this morning, & sure wouldn't have made it through the day.
    Have a great evening all!!
  3. Gayla New Member

    Jan 21, 2002
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    Welcome back Thankful and Ed. Glad you had a good time!

    preacher, a week or two ago you were worried about BH 'cause she wasn't active as usual. Glad she's feeling better!

    All's quiet around here!
    Y'all take care!
  4. AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Good morning everyone!

    It's a very frigid 31 here! Viv had to let the car warm up for nearly 15 minutes before she could leave. But, she made it in record time....she admitted she sped! LOL

    We had seriously been considering leaving Faith Community Church because of some problems that had crept in over the past three months or so. Sunday we talked for several hours as both of us were harmed (not hurt feelings, but harmed ministerially) by some of the actions of the former pastor. We don't think it was intentional on his part, nevertheless, it happened. On Sunday morning Vivian and I, though present, were totally frozen out by several members of the church. But, we now know why. But, the Lord wouldn't let us leave. At any rate, the interim pastor called last night and we talked for over an hour about some things that were bothering us (Vivian and I) and explained why we had not been super active as we had been before in the church. We had kept it quiet for several months. But, he asked, and we explained and things were pretty well cleared up.
    We love the people there and really didn't want to leave and are glad that the pastor is now willing to confront some of the issues in the church that his predecessor waasn't.

    With that said, I wanted to bring some home made donuts in , but, the neighbors cat snuck in and ate them! ;) So, I brought a case of Dr. Pepper and a few honey buns instead! Hope ya'll enjoy.....

    Also, do any of you like any "flavored" coffees you can get in the store at a reasonable price? I am wanting to start drinking variations of coffee again....and so is Vivian.

    Sue, we're praying for Dale, and also for you on your trip and his health.

    Also, don't know if it's been mentioned or not, but, Gina L's second daughter is in need of prayer, as well as her first. Let's also keep Gina before the Lord in our prayers. She's facing some tough times, but we know the Lord is in charge....

    We love you, Gina! Give those precious children of yours a hug from Vivian and me.

    Ed and Betty, you're an inspiration and encouragement to us all!

    God bless ya'll today.

    Be good, Be kind, Be careful.


    (edited only to correct typo)

    [ February 01, 2006, 09:39 AM: Message edited by: I Am Blessed 16 ]
  5. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Good morning all,

    It is a crisp 34º here this morning, but supposed to be sunny and 50º by this afternoon.

    I need to make out checks and pay bills today. I usually do that on the 31st, but yesterday was kind of busy...

    Shawna needs to pick up some subflooring and some kitchen floor tile at Menard's in Springfield.

    She visited Dale last night when she went to pick out/pay for her supplies. He told her to drive his truck to Springfield today and she could pick him up while she was getting her supplies, so it looks like I won't be making the trip.

    They should be back here sometime after lunch. Brent is going to ride down with his mom, so he won't have school today. He is ahead of schedule anyway, so it doesn't interfere with anything for him to miss a day now and then.

    This is a good plan as the arthritis in my hands started bothering me quite bad last night. I probably gripped the steering wheel too hard on my 'trip' yesterday...

    Tony, glad you got things straightened out. I know you love that church. I'll take a Diet Dr. Pepper for me and a couple of Honey Buns for Dale.

    Barnabas will probably be in shortly for his daily supply (two) of regular Dr. Pepper.

    HAGD all!
  6. Ed Edwards <img src=/Ed.gif>

    Aug 20, 2002
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    Oklahoma had the second warmest January on record.
    Of course, they have only been keeping records
    in Central Oklahoma for 117 years. Anyway,
    the average temp all Jan 2006 was like 46.7

    Thank you for all the nice sayings especially
    about Thankful, my Lovely Wife (LW).
  7. menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    46 is warm????? Hehe, our average temp this month was 61. I love living here!

    Good morning everyone!

    This will be a phone day. I have what seems like 10 thousand phone calls to make. The Cassie(the oldest) has a doctor's appointment this pm. Then we are going to try to make it to church tonight, if we get out of the docs office in time. I need a song with one lyric repeated over and over: run!

    Starting the phone calls....

  8. Barnabas H. <b>Oldtimer</b>

    Jul 1, 2000
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    Our prayers for the speedy recovery of Dale and traveling mercies for Sue!
  9. Dr. Bob Administrator

    Jun 30, 2000
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    Add my prayers for Dale and Sue.

    I'm home today, fighting off some "bug" (wife thinks it was food poisoning) but I have been miserable for about 24 hours now. Finally feeling a little better, but ugh.

    Thinking crackers might be good about now . .

  10. Gina B Active Member

    Dec 30, 2000
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    Thanks AVL!

    I updated on Corrina in the prayer request forum. GREAT news!

    Now, I'm bone tired. Wait, is there such a thing as bone marrow tired? :eek:
  11. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Great news, Gina!

    Sorry you're under the weather, Dr. B.

    Dale is home safe and sound and wishing he had asked for an extra day off of work, but he didn't, so he will be on duty at 5:00 am tomorrow. He isn't feeling bad, just very sore and is not allowed to raise his hands up over his head (I hope he doesn't get mugged!).

    It has been a tiring couple of days and I'm going to bed.

    Pleasant dreams all!
  12. AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Good morning all!

    I can't believe that when Vivian left here at 3am it was only 41 and now it's 46! That's 15 degrees higher than it was yesterday! PTL!!!

    Sue, glad you didn't have to make that trip.

    Dr. Bob, hope you get to feeling better soon, Brother. Will be praying.

    Gina, I haven't checked the prayer section, but will soon. Glad that the new was great!

    We didn't get to go to the Wednesday Bible study. Vivian got off early from work, but because of a stop for gas and a necessary stop at the grocery store, she didn't make it home until almost 5pm. I called to let the preacher know, and he was very understanding. He knows Vivian gets up every morning at 1:45 am and leaves by 3am. She didn't really get to sleep until about midnight the evening before because of he shoulder. She thinks she pulled it, and she may have to have it checked out if it's not better by Monday. She's volunteered to work on Friday, bless her heart. We've got a prayer meeting at the preachers house shortly after she gets home. Then we've got our monthly lunch and business meeting. She's going to be so worn out! I'm praying the Lord will give us the money to let us go on a vacation soon.

    Well, hope all is well with everyone else. Lately, I've just had time to pop in and out and haven't really had much time to read all of the posts. Hope I haven't missed anything exciting! ;)

    Be good, Be kind, Be careful.

    Bro. T
  13. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Good morning all and Happy

    Well, Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow, which means...

    of winter.

    I never believe the weather man, so I'm not gonna worry about a furry rodent! I want SPRING!

    Dale went back to work this morning. I hope he isn't too uncomfortable. If he starts hurting too much, he may take 1/2 a vacation day and come home at noon. At the factory, where he works, they don't do 'light duty'. You either carry the whole load or stay home until you can. :(

    We have a cloudy, dreary day here. Temps should be in the mid forties this afternoon. We really haven't had a bad winter, but this 50º weather is making me yearn for Spring so I can plant flowers!

    It's time for school and we have a test today.

    HAGD all!
  14. Jim1999 <img src =/Jim1999.jpg>

    Aug 10, 2002
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    Well, Wiarton Willie didn't see his shadow, and that means spring is just around the corner. I think it was the same last year for both Willie and Phil. I wonder if Willie wearing a bow tie has any deep meaning?

    January was the mildest ever winter in Ontario, and the driest. All this week has and will be above freezing, and we might even get some rain later to-day. I would rather have snow.

    Hey, the fuzzy one must be important. It is even marked on the calendar....Groundhog Day. Not quite a national holiday, but it could happen!


  15. Gayla New Member

    Jan 21, 2002
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    Tony, everyday is an exciting day in BB-Land!!!

    Going to check out Corrina on the prayer list.
  16. Gina B Active Member

    Dec 30, 2000
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    Good morning.
    I'm here in the school library working on a speech that I have to give in an hour, in a health class. HA! I totally forgot about it...but not really worried since I don't have a problem coming up with a lot of words in a short amount of time. :D

    Sleep sounds like a much better idea, right after a long, long, soak in the tub. Ahhhhhhh.....

    I hope everyone has a great day!
  17. Dr. Bob Administrator

    Jun 30, 2000
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    Boy Howdy to all this Candlemass (Feb 2) half-way between the solstice and the equinox. Makes sense that it is half sunny and half cloudy here so that nothing about the weather is certain!!

    Have a LOT to do over the next 10 days prior to leaving town and am glad to wake up this morning feeling like I was going to live! We did trace my problems to food poisoning. Ugh. I will be more careful, for certain sure!
  18. Debby in Philly Active Member

    Oct 31, 2003
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    Well, now, there's a real can of worms to open - Candlemass. It has a colorful history. Another example of Jewish, Christian, and pagan practices all mixed up into one with some superstition added.

    Here's everything you ever wanted to know (or not) about the day:

  19. Thankful <img src=/BettyE.gif>

    Mar 5, 2002
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    Good afternoon, everyone. I don't think we have had any winter yet. Just a few cold days in December.

    Just received our natural gas bill and it was back to normal. Only a third of what last month's was. Do you think I may be cooking too much? We were gone for a few days, but left the heat on. It is the cooking with gas. That has got to stop.

    Glad you are feeling better, Dr. Bob.

    Good news about Carina.

    Glad Dale went back to work.

    It is definitely nap time.

    I'll check in later.

  20. preacher New Member

    May 9, 2001
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    Figured I'd say Hello...Then go get BH!! She is still in a crazy mood, WHICH IS fine with me!! Last nite she was trying pitifully to build a nest in a cardboard ring Agee hung in her cage so Agee felt sorry for her & let me put another box in her cage. You should have seen her! She packed all her cotton in it, stuck her head out like sayin g'nite & promptly went to sleep.
    We're still waiting on that one contact that looked hopeful, Agee's still fretting over it. Not worrying herself silly but proably more aggrivated than anything.I know she wants to get away from her job, as do I mine. I figured I'd be the impatient one!!
    I just found out about a decent deal being offered for DSL around here so I'm hoping we can swing it. Then I wouldn't need to worry bout being on line & possibly missing a call. We use callwave, which seems to work allright, but it would be nice to be online & be able to use the phone too if necessary.
    Well I'll try to check back fore I turn BH loose tonite!!