Condoms replacing Bibles in hotel rooms

Discussion in '2007 Archive' started by Magnetic Poles, Nov 19, 2007.

  1. The Scribe New Member

    Jan 9, 2006
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    Whoa, a bit condescending.

    He is a pastor and preaches what Christians believe. Who cares what heathens say or think?
    What others do outside of what the scriptures say is their problem. They need to follow the Bible.
  2. 2 Timothy2:1-4 New Member

    Dec 22, 2006
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    It is interesting just how visceral libs get when you speak against one of their pet sins.

    Anyway, here is some interesting facts about the so called facts and statistics about teen pregnancies:

  3. LeBuick New Member

    Jun 8, 2006
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    I don't understand what you want us to see? They are saying the numbers are low because some get pregnant at 19 but don't deliver until 20 so the numbers are scewed. How many would this be? I thought the real discussion was sex before marriage which makes age irrelevant.
  4. 2 Timothy2:1-4 New Member

    Dec 22, 2006
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    Your understanding of what I posted is incorrect. It shows that all statistics are not accurate on teen pregnancy because detailed stats are not actually kept so some estimation is done. Why? Why estimate and based on what? PLease these stats are questionable and not credible.

    As far as why i posted this you need to go back and read where teen pregnancy comes in to discussion.
  5. readmore New Member

    Sep 12, 2007
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    Well, we at least seem to agree in our resentment for liberals presuming to teach our kids about such matters in public school. But, reading between the lines in yours posts, your suggested response is complete silence from the parents?

    You don't suggest countering what they learn from public school or from their friends or from TV with godly instruction and wisdom? You clearly don't think this should be the Pastor's job, so whose job is it?

    And, could you clarify--do you mean only public school sex ed is "child abuse", or that any mention of sex whatsoever that might pique their curiosity is "child abuse"? Your statement is very vague, but also very "damning" (if I could use the word) at the same time.
  6. 2 Timothy2:1-4 New Member

    Dec 22, 2006
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    Yes complete silence until the teen age where they are about to start dating. and then abstinenece not how to protect yourself from pregnancies and std's in sex before marriage.

    Whenever there is a question in the home biblical or otherwise all of the family should go to Father. In the case of some homes who ever the spiritual authority is. Their first response should not be "Let's go ask the Pastor". The Pastor should not usurp the head of the home in this manner. whenthe head of the home has questions then they should come to the Pastor for assistance only after much prayer and fasting.

    As Pastor I take up the responsibility to minister to the heads of the home so they can lead their families.

    Giving children information about things that will without a doubt peek their interest and be harmful to them before they need it is abusive. It only adds to their interest and raises their level of interest and focus. They get enough of this stuff via the way kids at public schools dress and act, they get it on T.V., billboard signs etc.

    Rather than throw our hands up in the air and say we cannot win we should know where are kids are at all times. Set limits to their activities and friends. And teach biblical precepts in the home always reinforcing them at all times.

    If they are convinced that they do not need to be having sex so much of the other stuff isn't necessary. Abstinence works 100% of the time Nothing else does.

    When it comes to things like smoking do we teach our children don't smoke but if you do......? No the focus on smoking even from the liberal left is abstinence from smoking. But the left wants to protect the freedom to have sex at any age at any time. They want to make excuses available via condemns and abortion, they want to keep porn available via the internet even in public libraries, every time an issue related to sex comes up the left wants to protect the teens freedom to do it.

    We take God, prayer and the Bible out of schools and have replaced God with sex education, the Bible with condomns, and prayer with tag lines such as "they are going to do it anyway".

    Interestingly in the schools not only do they fight to keep sex ed in schools, which by the way is a moral issue, but they fight against any speaking of abstinence even to be included with training such as how to use a condomn. They always fight against abstinence training in any situation. That is more telling of the whole thing than anything else.
  7. Magnetic Poles New Member

    May 16, 2005
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    What a recipe for disaster!

    News flash! Kids are interested in sex by virtue of their own maturing bodies. Giving them proper information will not pique any interest that is not already present.

    Sure it does. In a perfect world, that great. The fact is that despite any abstinence only training, the ideal is just ideal. Good kids fall. No one lives up to the ideal. Not me, not you, not teens. They need to have information.

    No one has taken God out of schools. However, I don't want a teacher giving religious indoctrination in any public school. That is the job of the parents and the church. If you want that, there are many fine church-based private schools.

    You again are grossly misinformed. They DO fight against abstinence-only education. It is not the schools fighing to keep information is you. Kids need a well rounded knowledge base. Yes, ideally families would do this, but most do not. It then becomes a public health issue as welfare babies and STDs take their toll on the public budget.

    Ignorance is not helpful in any situation.
  8. 2 Timothy2:1-4 New Member

    Dec 22, 2006
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    And there are other ways to handle this without giving them permission.

    No they don't.

    Sure they have. The Bile was the primary text book at one time. Prayer has been made illegal. That is taking God out of schools.

    It is you who are grossly wrong. They do fight against abstinence education under any condition. And it is not the schools place to teach moral issues such as sex ed. The word "health" has become a catch all for the liberal left to excuse whatever depreved behavior they want it is used to cover sex ed and slaughtering children.

    Children need structure, boundries, and biblcial precepts. Not condomns on bananas and suggestions on how to accomplish sex. That is abuse.
  9. Dagwood New Member

    Sep 2, 2007
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    Surely you aren't so deceived as to think that all Christians believe exactly the same things, are you?
  10. readmore New Member

    Sep 12, 2007
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    I'm glad you clarified this. Now, out of curiosity (I don't know if you're a parent or not, but hypothetically), do you encourage your kids to read the Bible? If so, what do you do with the portions on David and Bathsheba? Tamar? Song of Solomon? Are they blacked out/ripped out of your Bibles? Because, after all, it would be abusive to let them read this, no? And what if they asked a question about it? It would be abusive to answer it.

    Thank you, that is exactly the point. I, for one, will not leave my kids' education to those means that you described.
  11. Magnetic Poles New Member

    May 16, 2005
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    Timbo, as I have to get to work, I can't go point by point rebuttal right now. However, I will say that we will never agree on this. Viewpoints like those you are espousing are part of the problem. As long as some in the church consider knowledge of a perfectly normal part of life taboo, there will continue to be problems for the rest of us to deal with.
  12. LeBuick New Member

    Jun 8, 2006
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    I read back over the thread and noticed you first mentioned teen pregnancy was on "the rise". How do you come to this conclusion then dispute the legitimacy of any stats/facts presented? How do you know teen pregnancy is on the rise? Is this just your view or is this a fact? Do you have support or are we all just to take you word on this?

    Your approach to dealing with the problem seems to be to pretend it doesn't exist. I too believe and pray abstinence I also know silence is irresponsible and only serves to run and wash your hands of your obligations. You mocked the truth and real world fact when you said, “"Kids will learn it somewhere" "Kids will have sex". These are not excuses, this is real-world. The truch is children do get pregnanat and it's not because we don't teach abstinance. They get pregnant dispite our teachings (they also turn to drugs, alcohol etc...)

    The pastor is responsible for every member of his flock, not just the head of the house. Often your message makes its best penetration into the home via the children. Nothing like little Johnny reminding that head of the house the preacher/teacher said that whiskey was defiling his temple. That child who you exclude from the sanctuary is the bulk of the "moldable" clay you have at your disposal. You exclude them and you may as well preach to the walls.
  13. webdog Active Member
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    Mar 31, 2005
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    While your intentions are admirable, your means could actually lead to a rebellious child. I was that child who never had "the talk", was overprotected, never allowed to go anywhere, etc. When I turned 17 / 18, I turned into a wild man. By the time I met my wife at 24 I had been with 6 women (at least). I'm not proud of that, but over-protectiveness is NOT a good thing.
  14. Joe New Member

    Dec 14, 2006
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    Thanks for the advice. Are you saying that over-protectiveness contributed to your being with too many women later on? I think that is what you are saying, rebellion.
    I am against intercourse, got an STD when I was 8, antibiotics got rid of it. But you never know if it's really gone even if medical science deems it gone forever. Freaked me out so actual intercourse was out of the question growing up. Condoms break. But otherwise, there are other sexual acts to choose from which are pretty safe.

    The way we raise our son is the way we actually live. It's not because he lives here that we do these things.

    6 women doesn't seem like that many women by the time you are 24. Except only you know what contributes to what with regards to yourself, and from a Christian point of view, it would be too many people. If you believe it would have been less with being granted more freedom as a child, I certainly believe you. We could grant more freedom but even then how much, I don't know. Slowly, it is happening. I am trying but no overnighters until age 18.

    What 2Tim says makes a lot of sense. They are going into the schools teaching sexual stuff before the children are ready. In a way, children are being molested whereever they go. With the songs on the radio, television (I think everyone ought to throw out their antenna) magazines at the checkouts, school teachers pushing their worldly agendas etc...Unbelievable :eek:
  15. TaterTot Guest


    I am glad my girls are still young so I have time to listen to others and make my decisions. I have a friend who was raised very strict Landmark, and she claims that girls (and boys) who are so controlled do tend to exercise their freedom in that area, because it is something that they can control. They cant control what they wear etc, but they can control what they do in secret. Scares me.
  16. StefanM Well-Known Member
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    Jul 4, 2004
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    I know someone who, in his pre-Christian days, targeted those types. He said that they were even more wild than those who were raised in permissive households. He said he'd always be on the lookout for those kind of girls because they'd be the easiest to persuade.
  17. Joe New Member

    Dec 14, 2006
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    When you feel your kids are ready, you may be able to borrow some books from your Doctor's office to show them exactly what STD's look like. This is what I did, yet my best friend is a retired Doctor so you may have to front some money before borrowing them. They are extremely graphic and close up pics, but they do the trick. Yuck!
  18. annsni Well-Known Member
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    May 30, 2006
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    I have 2 teen daughters. I taught them about the basics of sexual intercourse at 9 and 11 because they were homeschooled. Had they been in school, I would have addressed it earlier. We've talked a LOT about sex and it's beauty, it's part in God's plan for them, and the ramifications of misusing that gift God has given them. Both of them (now 15 and 17) have embraced our vision of purity until marriage and I have no question that they will wait. Their father and I waited until our wedding night and we pray that they will have as fun and wonderful time as we did enjoying and discovering that aspect of a relationship at the right time. I think we really sell our kids short by saying "Here is the ideal - this is God's best for you ..... but if you choose to take your own route, here's how to do it right." I don't buy that. I don't teach my kids how to drive over the speed limit safely. I don't teach them how to steal something without anyone finding out. I don't teach them how to start a house on fire without getting hurt. I teach them that they are not to speed...period. I teach them to not steal...period. I teach them to not start dangerous fires...period. I don't think I need to teach them "safe sex" - other than the fact that there is no such thing. They know that condoms do not stop HPV amongst other diseases. The idea of "safe sex" is an outright lie and something that has caused many to actually DIE because they bought into that lie. I'm sorry - but I have more faith in my kids than that.
  19. The Scribe New Member

    Jan 9, 2006
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    I believe a lot of so-called "christians" believe what they want and pick and choose from the scriptures.
    You either wait until marriage completely or you will reap what you sow.
  20. The Scribe New Member

    Jan 9, 2006
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    Nicley stated. :applause:

    Why teach people "safe" sex, when it's a false sense of security?

    The schools need to teach children how to steal without getting caught and how to start fires and so on. :saint: