Cross Stitching

Discussion in 'Travel Forum' started by LillyoftheValley, Apr 20, 2012.

  1. LillyoftheValley New Member

    Mar 29, 2012
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    I don't know how many women on BB enjoy cross stitching, but I happen to love it! Regularly I use what little free time I have at night after the kids have gone to bed to get a little further on whatever project I am currently on.
    This one is for my second oldest daughter. She picked it out herself at Hobby Lobby (the greatest craft store EVER)

    Just incase you happen to be an addict and for some reason haven't stumbled across this site, check out:

    if you sign up you can download a free pattern every day. Some are good, some not so much, and some (while no good as a whole) have things within them I intend to use. Oh and if you sign up I get free points towards other downloads. Hope someone out there enjoys this/finds it helpful.
  2. annsni Well-Known Member
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    May 30, 2006
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    I haven't crossed stitched in a long time but I have numerous pieces I have done in the past that are framed around my house. :)
  3. LillyoftheValley New Member

    Mar 29, 2012
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    I hear that often from the women around me (my mother being one of them) and I wonder why that is. I know that life gets hectic, and there are far more important things than cross stitching, but if you're able to continue doing it when your kids are young... don't things get easier after that? or are all of the issues you faced with young children simply traded in for completely new challenges and the actual number of problems you are currently dealing with never changes. Do the challenges become more time consuming? In some ways I can't imagine children becoming more time consuming than they are now (infant/toddler). Wow, I'm really starting to get off my own topic. So anyways....
  4. mcdirector Active Member

    Jul 11, 2005
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    Same here.
  5. mcdirector Active Member

    Jul 11, 2005
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    It's the or you mentioned that is the issue. Plus my interests changed (and still are changing) and I have other hobbies now. I've also gotten a couple of degrees since the kids were little guys. it's hard to predict where God will lead you!

    Nice to meet you btw !

  6. annsni Well-Known Member
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    May 30, 2006
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    For me, my "my" time is more limited. I now have older kids, younger kids, homeschool, am a pastor's wife, have a job at church and that sort of thing. I also just have other time fillers that filled in. I do have a piece that I started but need to finish - but honestly I'm not sure if I will anytime soon. I just lost my motivation to do it!
  7. Gwen Active Member

    Sep 7, 2004
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    I used to love to cross stitch. I still have a sampler that I did in high school, and a couple of pillows, etc. But I don't do it anymore because I don't see as well, and it gives me a headache. LOL Like many of the other ladies that posted, I have also moved on to other hobbies. :)

    Nice to meet you, LilyoftheValley, and welcome!
  8. LillyoftheValley New Member

    Mar 29, 2012
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    Thank you for your warm welcomes.
    Do any of you know younger women who cross stitch, do you believe it to be affectively dying out with simply a few (for a lack of a better term) "faithful followers" remaining, or do you think that, like just about everything else, it will eventually make a come-back?

    With this I'm going to call it a night and turn in, :sleeping_2: but before I do...
    We have a "Friend Day" coming up at our church this Sunday where we have all invited everyone we know. The pastor has asked that I help bring other women to the Lord if help is needed... I absolutely am willing, but scared because this will be my first time. I know there's very little I can say to mess things up when someone is at the point, but pray for me anyway please :praying:

    Thanks again everyone!
  9. Gwen Active Member

    Sep 7, 2004
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    My daughter-in-law (age 28) does beautiful cross stitch pieces. It's her favorite hobby, and she does a very good job. Her grandmother taught her when she was a child. Who taught you to cross stitch?

    Praying for you on Friend Day! :) I'm sure you will do just fine. :thumbs:
  10. mcdirector Active Member

    Jul 11, 2005
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    Praying for you too. People are eager to feel wanted. I think friend day will be a great opportunity!

    All the young people I know exercise instead of doing crafty hobbies. I can impress them to no end doing something I think is incredibly simple but then I remember they can't mend their pants or sew a button on. ;)
  11. Melanie Active Member
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    Nov 21, 2002
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    I am a keen thread worker, one of the joys of being single and living with a cat. I enjoyed checking out the sites posted by Lily OT Valley.

    I do mostly angels and romantic ladies....from Mirabilia and Lavender and Lace. Where is Ocala?

    I am in New Zealand which is the top of the world if your perspective is right:smilewinkgrin:
  12. following-Him Active Member

    Oct 3, 2002
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    I used to love to cross stitch and I still have some unfinished projects ...

    I find that getting set up too time consuming and fiddly. I prefer knitting now as I can pick it up and put it down with less fuss.
  13. LillyoftheValley New Member

    Mar 29, 2012
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    My mother did. When I was about 8 or 9 my first project was a little sampler that said "be ye kind". I still have it in my hope chest.

    Central part of Florida

    That used to be a big complaint of mine as well, but I have managed to keep everything I need in one large craft bag that has all kinda of pockets. I use one pocket for scissors, one for my current thread, and one for thread I have used but need for backstitching. I find my system allows me to pick it up and put it down very quickly (Which is a must with the kids around).

    I understand that it is not for everyone, but for me it can be a great way to wind down at the end of the day.

    As for projects that I have done... I did one that was the first verse of "Holy Bible, Book Divine" with a bunch of flowers as a border, a sampler of ballet shoes and flowers that says "I love Dance" for a friend, and the last one I completed was the birth record for my oldest daughter

    BTW thank you all for your prayers, there were no ladies that came forward during our Friend Day, but the pastor has said that I am officially "on call" from here on out. :)