messege board blues/ re-opened

Discussion in '2005 Archive' started by don 3426, Jan 14, 2005.

  1. don 3426 New Member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    Hey man i would like to hear about this forum if ya could contact me. I live for seaking out nonchristian boards that i know things about, such as hulk hogan forums of whom i am a fan. I struggles long and hard trying to convince them john kerry was a bad choice fer president during the elections. How else are we to whitness unless we search out those not saved as Jesus did.
  2. Jayohio1 New Member

    Jan 13, 2005
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    [snipped - Again, it is unethical to go to one message board and recruit folks to go to another board. No links or information allowed. If you desire, pm (personal message) or email for details.]

    There are a lot of non believers on there and in need of answers, and I am one man and cant come close to keeping pace. I have a lot of good friends on there, and I would love to see them come to God. I consider it my ministry.

    [ January 14, 2005, 11:03 PM: Message edited by: Dr. Bob ]
  3. Jayohio1 New Member

    Jan 13, 2005
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    here is a sample of how I am at least provoking their minds I got this in a pm

    Hey bye.gif

    I wonder if ya wouldn't mind me picking yer brains fer a moment.
    I'm currently studying the different philosophies behind the immortality of the soul etc and I keep coming across a religious (I'm assuming Christian) reference that I know nowt about, to do with ressurection. Can ya gimme some idea what the Christian view is on this? The stuff I'm reading kinda gives the impression that at some point people's bodies are to be ressurected and re-united with their souls?
    Or have I just made that up?

    Be much obliged if you could help me out here yes.gif coz I'm confused
  4. don 3426 New Member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    ill give it a try but the commutor i use has filters stuck all over it and i cant get a hold of the pass words so it might not work. Just warn me if i get too lowed cause im used to cut throat fights with wrestler fans per say. I know how u feel i was banned every other day and i was jumping from computor to computor anywere i can find so i could get around it, because the would try to falsely prove ther point and them bash me personaly when i got banned.
    I dont understand why it was closed eather, but i positive dr bob will be around soon to tell me i shouldnt have re opened it, so ill check it out then.
  5. don 3426 New Member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    welp with that one whoever it is is asking about the second comming when all the dead will go to heaven for judgement. but its in revelation if u want to look it up, ill have to ask somone about that.
  6. Dr. Bob Administrator

    Jun 30, 2000
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    Anyone desiring more information should send a private message or email to Jay. Sure he would like help.
  7. dianetavegia Guest

    Don, I find this to be a misleading post since Jay admits in one of HIS posts that you also came from and know him from that board.

  8. Dr. Bob Administrator

    Jun 30, 2000
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    Will keep and eye on this Diane. Lying or deceiving will not be tolerated.
  9. DHK <b>Moderator</b>

    Jul 13, 2000
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    Don3426: Baptist, the only true religion (lol)

    Jay: churh: Piqua
    : Personal testimony: Love

    Don and Jay, I would appreciate it if you would be honest with the moderators and the administration of Baptist Board. Be put on notice that deception on anyone's part results in an automatic ban. For many people that is not hard to pick out. All that I want from both of you is some honest answers. I trust that that is not too much to ask.

    Don: When asked about your church affiliation, you reply "Baptist, the only true church; laugh out loud (lol). Your answer is flippant and sarcastic as if you do not beleive what you say. You are saying to me: "Surely you jest." You write that way because you really are not a Baptist are you? Now it is your turn for honesty. Am I right in assessing your profile? Why would you answer in such a sarcastic way? I take my church affiliation very seriously. It is not a joking or laughing matter. If you are not a Baptist, then say so; be honest about it. Are you man enough to admit it. I give you this chance then ask you to refrain to post in the Baptist forums and post in the non-Baptist forums of which there are many to choose from.

    Jay: I want to ask you some of the same questions. You say that your local church is "Piqua." That says nothing about being a member of a Baptist church, of which the rules stipulate you must be to post in the Baptist forums. Please clarify: Do you, or do you not, attend a Baptist Church? The word "Piqua" tells us nothing. You will have to be more specific than that.
    As far as your personal relationship with Christ is concerned, what is it. The question that was asked was to give a testimony regarding your relationship with Christ. Do you have one? Do you know what it means to have a relationship with Christ. Your answer is simply "love." "Love" can mean anything. Sometimes people love their cats or dogs. What do you love. What do you mean when you write the word love? We don't know. We don't have ESP, and since that deals with the paranormal wouldn't think of having it anyway. Again, give straightforward answers. Do you belong to a Baptist Church? Do you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour? Can you give a testimony to that effect. I would appreciate from hearing answers from both of you on these matters.
  10. Joseph_Botwinick <img src=/532.jpg>Banned

    Nov 12, 2000
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    Hi there. I am curious about something. Did the administration of this board some time ago rule on the idea of Churches being Baptistic therefore allowing anyone who didn't specifically attend a Baptist Church but had Baptistic doctrine to be considered Baptist enough to post here? I am getting old and senile, but I do remember quite clear a debate about that very topic and how I thought it might not be the best idea. But, what I can't remember is what the final decision was. Perhaps someone could respond to this.

    Either way, if I were going to punish Jay for anything, it would be for being rude and disrespectful toward the moderators and administrators and posting that rubbish in the public forum. Just my thoughts and observations.

    Joseph Botwinick
  11. don 3426 New Member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    Diane i do not quite understand what you mean by this post because i dont remember that being posted.
    "Don, I find this to be a misleading post since Jay admits in one of HIS posts that you also came from and know him from that board."

    "if I were going to punish Jay for anything, it would be for being rude and disrespectful toward the moderators and administrators and posting that rubbish in the public forum."-Joseph Botwinick
    Joseph how was jay rude to the moderators, i do not see what he did wrong in asking for help to convert his friends on a secular forum?

    I am sincerly a baptist and i have not lied as you accuse me. i do not joke at the expense of my faith. I stated "Baptist the only true religion (not church)" I used this phrase as an identification of myself so a friend of mine could easily recognise me. He and I would kindly tease our presbyterian friends. Do not accuse me of not being a serious believer or i would not be fighting for Jerry falwell in this forum.
    People in this forum should be a little less judging to everything people say, I have had people take my words out of contxt to prove their points at my expence, I have found people who are qwicker to Yell at someone before taking the time to understand they are just asking a qwestion, people will judge a man for being a christian in a political setting.I do not have a problem with a eqwal debate but when someone posts somthing they should not be in threat of being accused of promoting cussing or a sinful lifestyle through people who take peices of their arguments to make them look bad.
  12. just-want-peace Well-Known Member
    Site Supporter

    Feb 3, 2002
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    don 3426 sez:
    With all due respect, just how do you expect others to judge you; your words are all that is available.

    Again, what criteria are to be used to evaluate you as a potential serious poster, or just a troll? Your words are all that is available, and flippancy in your profile (intended or not, that's what comes across) does not help your cause. I would suggest that you just tell your friend what board you're on & your handle if different from other boards. that way there's no credibility question.

    I can appreciate your feelings, as that was sorta mine when I first started using the internet for discussion boards, but I soon learned that the anonymity that is inherent to the net tends to bring out worst in some people, so the safeguards are there for a purpose.

    If you do not like to be "moderated" then you'd best look for greener pastures, but if you can accept that you must post "CHRISTIANLY" then you'll probably enjoy your sojourn here.

    Hope this helps you understand "the lay of the land" without being over-critical!!
  13. don 3426 New Member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    what i was saying about being less jusgemental was how people take words out of context just because they want to peg you, about the criteria, I clearly see that DHK was trying to pick a fight. What i wrote there should not be offencive to anyone and does not show in any way that i do not take my faith seriously, anyone can look at that and say hes not trying to post that with the right cause in mind.
  14. don 3426 New Member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    p.s. i have not posted unchristianly if u want to see unchristianly look at the topic "hulk- a baptist" and look at how people take my words out of context.
  15. don 3426 New Member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    i see you picking on jay for not having a church with an affiliation beside it and yet his denomonation states baptist. Well before you start accusing jay Ivyleagur has only christianity as his denomonation and mbc as his church (I am not against him being here i agree with many of his staements), now because he does not say hes baptist then does that mean you want him off this board? I know dr. bob has said not to qwestion moderators in the open. But i do not think that applys here because you a not only trying to attack me for somthing that identifys me but you are qwestioning my view of my affiliation in the open and seemigly trying to correct or embaras me in the open.
  16. just-want-peace Well-Known Member
    Site Supporter

    Feb 3, 2002
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    Maybe you will be taken seriously if & when you stop griping about every reply as if you have been selected as the "persecuted of the day"!

    Grow up, and stop shooting before you get the target in your sights!

    In other words, think a little before you start throwing the "you're persecuting me" theme around.

    As the old saying goes, "Tis better to be quiet and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt!"

    And NO, I'm not calling you a fool, (assuming you've read this far before firing back one of your scathing denuciations of one that doe not agree with you) but merely advising you to do a little thinking before burning up your keyboard with a questionable defense!
  17. dianetavegia Guest

    Joseph, Baptistic is not good enough. Webmaster ruled... Membership in a Baptist church is required for Baptist only forums.
  18. Joseph_Botwinick <img src=/532.jpg>Banned

    Nov 12, 2000
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    I agree. Thank You.

    Joseph Botwinick
  19. Ps104_33 New Member

    Sep 3, 2001
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    I have had my suspicions about don3426 for a while. I think he is impersonating a redneck.

    Maybe I better translate: i done had suspishuns bout don3426 for kwite a spel. i think he is impersulating a redneck.
  20. Ps104_33 New Member

    Sep 3, 2001
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    I vote for kicking him off.