Muslim US Ambassador to UN

Discussion in 'Political Debate & Discussion' started by NaasPreacher (C4K), Jan 9, 2007.

  1. NaasPreacher (C4K) Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2003
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    So - are we now doomed?

    Is it all over for America?

    Is it time to open up our old air raid shelters or Y2K shelters?

    How about all the Evangelical supporters of George Bush? Does this cause a conundrum for you?
  2. snrsvdbygrc New Member

    May 3, 2006
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    No it is not all over, these are just the first steps. Rome didn't fall in a day.

    As far as a conundrum for Christians -- I don't think so, it is all written, and we know the outcome!
  3. hillclimber1 Active Member
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    Sep 10, 2006
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    Why do you feel the need to regularly bring up this subject, <innuendo deleted - LE>? Have you some personal friends or relatives that are Muslim, or......what?
  4. NaasPreacher (C4K) Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2003
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    My point exactly - fall into line, agree with the majority, or be labeled the enemy.

    Remind anyone of another country about 70 years ago?

    If my patriotism can be questioned for believing in the Constitution my great country is in serious trouble, all as a result of living in a State of Fear :(.
  5. snrsvdbygrc New Member

    May 3, 2006
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    Is this the same consitution that over 80% of Americans beleive the words, "separation of church and state" are actually in the consitution?

    Sad but most Americans who cry about the constitution know absolutely nothing about it except to call on something out of context when it benifits their cause. ACLU is the worst.
  6. NaasPreacher (C4K) Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2003
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    Yes, the Constitution in which the framers had the wisdom to leave God out.
  7. hillclimber1 Active Member
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    Sep 10, 2006
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    I'm genuinely interested in why you are so insistent on defending the Constitution in this one area, while many other areas, of great import, are carelessly cast aside in favor of a "growing or living, changeable" Constitution. And this one particular area, is fraught with never before seen evil and danger, for our very lives.

    All the other usurpations of the Constitution have been slowly evolved over time to make each one palatable. We're even now considering foreign law at the Supreme Court level, to decide cases. Unthinkable 20 years ago.
  8. NaasPreacher (C4K) Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2003
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    I am a strict constitutionalist in all areas, not just one. Show me in any post in the history of my posting where I have "cast aside" the Constitution on ANY issue. I do not believe in a "changeable" Constitution

    Your implication that I have ties with Muslim terrorism is patently offensive. Even on these threads I have never questioned the patriotism and love of country of those who disagree with me.
  9. NaasPreacher (C4K) Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2003
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    BTW hillclimber,

    I was just looking at your profile.

    One thing we do share in common is the "hobby" you listed ;).
  10. LadyEagle <b>Moderator</b> <img src =/israel.gif>

    Feb 7, 2002
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    The little US support for Israel that remains (under the Bush administration) is doomed, that's for sure, and US interests will not be well represented with a muslim representing the US in the UN. (A muslim's first allegiance will be to islam and other muslim nations, if he is true to the Quran.) Bush has done more for the islamic global cause than any other president in US history and has failed to defend and protect our borders as mandated by the Constitution, the same Constitution which was referred to by Republican Henry Hyde as no longer relevant for today (I believe it was on the discussion of Congress declaring war in Iraq).

    By their fruits we shall know them and the Bush fruits are available for all to see during his presidency. This is what Christians get when they are scared into voting for the "lesser of two evils." Case closed.
  11. hillclimber1 Active Member
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    Sep 10, 2006
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    No Roger, I in no way meant to cast aspersions on your patriotism or having ties. I simply don't understand the willingness to risk countless lives for the sake of the Constitution, when the Constitution can so easily (well not really)be changed to include language addressing terrorism.
  12. snrsvdbygrc New Member

    May 3, 2006
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    Well I had about a whole page here and deleted it by accident going to another site from work. So this will be the Reader's Digest version now:

    c4k I am not questioning your patriotism; however, in defense of the constitution you are coming off very much so as defending the Nation of Islam and being an apologist for them on the surface.

    The constitution is a document stating the legal foundations for this country and rightfully so the framers kept God out.

    However, the formost foundational brick of this country, The Declaration of Independence, refers to God no less than six times. Considering the times and that this country was not found by persecuted Muslims we can correctly conclude that God is the Judeo-Christian God of the Bible.

    While there is great debate on whether or not Thomas Jefferson was a diest, agnostic or a believer there is little doubt he knew God existed. On the founding of this country he stated, Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just, that his justice cannot sleep forever.

    There is no doubt that TJ was emphatic that man's relationship to God was extremely personal and not to be interfered with by government or held to public scrutiny. Sadly it does seem as though he thought the miracles of Jesus Christ as merely mystical tales put in by the writers of the gospels and took those out editing his own version of the Bible, and telling his nephew that they were just tales and that Paul corrupted the New Testament. We can only pray that in his private conversations with God that he did repent and recognize the true saviour, Jesus Christ, before he died. Selfishly, this is one man I would love to talk to in Heaven, and I believe the Lord used him mightly in the founding of this country.

    Personally after reading a couple of biographies I really believe TJ was jaded because of the Christian infighting (Protestants, Catholics, Church of England, etc), the persecution of the Indians by Christians and by personal tragedy in and before his lifetime.

    With all this said, there was no other religion of the time that was persecuting Christians in this country. TJ said,
    But it does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods or no God. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg. In other words, there was not another belief system that would harm him. Now in this country things are much different and there is. Would he still think the same? Who knows, one can only speculate there.

    My point is, we now have a religion, entity, nation, whatever you want to call it, that is bent on doing infidels (you and me) harm. Voting them into our leadership, having them assigned to represent this nation to other nations, and having them fight against those with their own belief system is, in my mind, not a very smart thing for this country to do!
  13. NaasPreacher (C4K) Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2003
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    I just don't see how defending constitutional religious rights can be in any way construed by the unbiased eye as defending the nation of Islam.

    This is what is caused by the State of Fear - not only are we advocating the restriction of the rights of US citizens, but the enemy is masterfully dividing is because of fear.

    We must not let fear, even of a Muslim ambassador to the UN allow our liberties to be taken away and we must not let them divide is with fear and suspicion.

    This reminds me of the Twilight Zone where the aliens stood quietly by and watched the town destroy itself out of fear and distrust.

    BTW, maybe we can discuss the "foremost foundational brick" in another thread - I always thought the Constitution fit that bill.
  14. snrsvdbygrc New Member

    May 3, 2006
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    There is a difference between fear and discernment, Solomon prayed for wisdom and discernment above all else and acted, the key word being "acted". Inaction could also be construed as fear and your statement completely turned around. We must not let fear, even of a Muslim ambassador to the UN make us complacent, and affraid to take action.

    OK let me as a few questions here. When, in your mind, will it be time for this country to stand up for what this nation was founded upon and do something? When we have 10 Muslims in Congress and other political posts? 100? 200? Anytime at all?

    Do you think the Muslim religion is as stated by our President is a religion of peace?

    Similar to above would you propose a government that is majority Muslim or absolute Muslim in numbers and philosophy? If that is a possibility would you believe you or your grandchildren will be able to openly practice their faith if it is not Muslim?

    Do you see anything wrong with your grandchildren or their grandchildren converting to the Muslim faith? Do you think Muslims in government could possibly have any influence over the future of Christianity in this country? If so what would the spiritual consequences be to the country, if any?

    Did God ever condone allowing another God into his nation of believers?

    I ask these things because from your passion for the defense of the constitution, which I admire on the surface, but I am not sure exactly where you stand. The ACLU also claims to be ardent defenders of the consitution but I also believe they have an entirely different agenda and only defend the constitution in order to further their cause. They defend the constitution when it is anti-Christian, but defend wiccan rights, while at the same time try to stop a private group like the boy scouts right to exclude homosexuals. There is no consistencey in their constitutional arguements except to deny Christian rights and defend most other rights on the same issues. They have fought for Muslim teachings in our schools while at the same time fought to have Bibles thrown out of schools. All this in the name of defending the constitution. This is nothing but pure perversion of the constitution and what it stands for. This organization was started by an avid Communist but yet claim they are defending the laws of a capatilist nation. I am always leary when someone is claiming they believe something in the name of defending the constitution, especially when there is no recognition of the true founding of this country and the origins of the philosophy.
  15. LadyEagle <b>Moderator</b> <img src =/israel.gif>

    Feb 7, 2002
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    Excellent post!
  16. NaasPreacher (C4K) Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2003
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    I stand fully and totally for our secular constitution, not the Christian document some make it out to be. You may be leary of me if you wish. I am more than well aware of the true founding of this country. That is why I stand so ardently to defend right guaranteed by the greatest human government document in history from those who would change and corrupt it out of fear.

    I am standing up for what this nation was founded to be. A nation based on each person's freedom to worship according to their own dictates. If the American people want to elect Muslims to Congress that is their choice. Who are we to rob them of their freedom to choose the individual they want?

    I would propose a government elected on the basis of our constitution. Of course if the American people elect officials with an anti-west philosophy then the very fabric of our nation will change. It will be tragic, but what would you have us to do? Would you have us re-write the Constitution to stop it?

    What a ludicrous question. Why would I support my children converting to a false religion? Of course Muslims in government would influence. Again, would you have us change the Constitution to avoid it?

    Our Constitution forbids any religious test for any public office or office of trust. The new Ambassador to the UN is highly qualified in foreign service. Do you really want a country where elected and appointed officials must submit to a religious test? Do you have any idea what kind of precedent that would set for the future?

    I love my country and the Constitution it was built on. I don't want that Constitution tampered with in a knee-jerk reaction to calm the fears of a few who are ready to sacrifice freedom for some measure of "safety."

    Sorry I missed one:

    Do you really believe that that the United States qualifies as "His nation of believers?"
  17. LadyEagle <b>Moderator</b> <img src =/israel.gif>

    Feb 7, 2002
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    It would be a far better than the islamic precedent that is set for the future now.

    Historically, we did at one time. Not any longer. :tear: (since prayer and Bible reading was taken out of public schools)
  18. snrsvdbygrc New Member

    May 3, 2006
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    Well I know much better now where you stand, thank you.

    I can respect you for your faith in the constitution but that very same faith in it soley and keeping God out of our country will lead to the ultimate destruction of the very constitution you love so much if we continue down this path. I love our constitution to, but am keenly aware of people that would like to destroy it, right now the very same people we are fighting against.

    So you say you realize the tragedy but unwilling to do anything to stop it? That would be fear in its purest form. And if you could live through a couple of generations to see this change and this did happen would you still be so laissez-fair as you see the constitution be changed to not only move from its secular form but to a form outlawing your right to practice your faith as some Muslim countries currently do? Funny how you seem to support something that has a much more likelyhood of destroying our constitution for future generations.

    Then I really question your philosophy. This country was was first colonized by some who were fleeing religious persecution, but you advocate voting in leaders, having people in our military, whose religion is openly focused on persecuting Christians and Jews -- Leaders of Nations with this religion have openly advocated the destruction of Israel, the US and Christiandom in general; You seem to be completely OK with the "fabric of our nation" changing because the constitution could allow it. Have you read on any recent activity in Sudan, Indonesia, Iran, Pakistan, Somolia? It is not just extremism, it is worldwide activity. I would advocate strongly, to anyone, to read something other than liberal rags, that shy from posting news related to Christian persecution around the world.

    You are so adamently against any change in the constitution -- newsflash -- it is a living document that changes and was designed to be that way, by amendments. The last one, 27, was originally proposed in 1789 but not ratified until 1993, lol so much for a seven year time limit to pass a bill. And some amendments change other amendments. It is a dynamic document and designed that way for its own preservation!

    Your logic, when unveiled, seems to be counter-productive to your own desires of protecting the constitution.

    Almost forgot one as well

    Intersting, and you have a point. However, consider the following as well:
    On our money does it say In allah we trust?
    When we take an oath to tell the truth in court do we say "so help me allah"?
    When we say the pledge of alligiance do we say one nation under allah?
    When we sing the National Anthem if we make it to the 4th verse do we sing "In allah is our trust"?

    No doubt the liberal agenda is to rid God from everything this country stands for and if they succeed in doing so there will be consequences if we are left to our own devices without God's help and God's blessings.
  19. LadyEagle <b>Moderator</b> <img src =/israel.gif>

    Feb 7, 2002
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    Another excellent post, to be sure!:thumbs:
  20. KenH Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2002
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    I am very pleased with our future new U.N. ambassador. The U.N. ambassador is not a Lone Ranger. He serves at the pleasure of the president and votes as directed by the president and advocates positions as directed by the president.

    His religion should be a non-issue. Those who oppose this nomination will lose this fight.