Not taking communion

Discussion in 'General Baptist Discussions' started by Salty, May 31, 2013.

  1. preacher4truth Active Member

    Nov 18, 2010
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    Exactly. But someone has got to go try and become a hero.

    It's none of their business.

    One time in a church, I was firm with my son to sit down because he was in trouble. Not even CLOSE to a raised voice. Along comes this woman to straighten me out and ask what is wrong and how she can help 'What's the trouble over here, how can I help you, is there a problem?????' and there was absolutely no need for her to approach other than her being a busybody-- I told her 'Ma'am, I have this handled - it's not your business, this is a family matter'.
  2. agedman Well-Known Member
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    Nov 4, 2011
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    That is one reason Paul said women need to shut up and be silent in church. Leave us men to do the work. Women need to sit down, cover their heads and be thankful that they can even participate at all. All these bossy women are a hindrance to Godliness and Godly men. They should be keepers of their own home and quit attempting to usurp authority that isn't given to them by God.

    I bet I get slammed upside the head by this post. :)
    Sarcasm/jest alert needs to activated when reading the above.
  3. salzer mtn Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2012
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    Amen brother, sometimes I think women need to be tied to their pew and gaged till the last amen. :1_grouphug:
  4. preacher4truth Active Member

    Nov 18, 2010
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    AMEN PREACH IT BROTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Oh, wait, NEVERMIND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    :love2: :tongue3:
  5. Salty 20,000 Posts Club

    Apr 8, 2003
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    My goodness, Its been quite some time since I have seen folks get all upset over an issues.

    Let me re-state - I am not talking about going to someone DURING communion. I am not talking about a busy body going to any and everyone who did not take communion.
    Ann said it very well: I'm not watching ... I'm focused on the Lord ...
    Unless its the person next to us, we probably would not know.
    However, the Pastor is standing up front, facing the congregation, the Deacons are serving.....
    Those men are responsible for the congregation. I believe they have a duty to check on the flock. Of course there is a tactful way to do so.
    It was mentioned that if a person wanted help - they would seek it out - not necessarily.

    Folks, we are a family - and a family takes care of each other. Yes, there is a proper protocol - and it should be followed.
    Of course prayer is the answer - and sometimes, the Lord may you or me to be the solution.
    I am thankful that Scarlett has a sister in Christ who loves and is able to confort.
    At times, just being there is all a person needs.

    So bottom line, as a pastor, and I saw a member pass on communion, I would see that as a red flag and seek guidance as to my next step. (AFTER THE SERVICE WAS OVER!)
  6. agedman Well-Known Member
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    Nov 4, 2011
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    And, frankly, you would be wrong in doing so.

    For not only all the reasons previously posted, but that isn't your responsibility.

    Family or not is not an issue.

    Your pastoral obligations do not allow for you to be in a place of checking up on whether a believer takes communion or not.

    That is between the Believer and God. It is none of your business.

    The church is to offer communion, but to even ask why someone did not partake is to sit in judgment over that person's spiritual communion with God.

    A pastor can be discerning about some things, and make judgment in light of that wisdom of discernment, but to question another believer in this specific area is out of bounds.

    Paul did not criticize the Corinthian church as to whether they took communion or not, he was critical of them taking it unworthily. THAT is where your concern should reside.

    In that light, you have the liberty to investigate the worthiness those who TOOK the communion - not those who did not.
  7. Salty 20,000 Posts Club

    Apr 8, 2003
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    Then I suppose we will have to agree to disagree
  8. Matt22:37-39 New Member

    Dec 4, 2011
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    Salty, like I've said before where in scripture can you prove your point?

    If you can't find one I'd say a few of us are right...and we are not to judge anyone...the bible says to ONLY JUDGE sin...not people's hearts or motives.

    Just saying...;)
  9. saturneptune New Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    For one thing, some churches practice open communion and others closed. In open, some non members pass because they believe in only taking it at their home church. If it is closed communion, then if they do pass, they at least have the conscience to examine themselves and not take it friviously. I am for the position of minding ones own business, especially in a church. Too many busy bodies in a church already. If a member wants to speak to a pastor, the member will do the approaching.
  10. Salty 20,000 Posts Club

    Apr 8, 2003
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    Oh yes - "Judge not, that ye be not judged " Matt 7:1 - If we are going to judge others, we had better be prepared to be judged ourselves.
    Paul in I Cor 5:3 states he was judging Christians in that church.
    When we do judge - it should be righteous judgment Luke 7:24

    When we vote to dismiss a pastor - are we not judging him? If we refuse our daughter to go out with a young man - are we not judging him?
    We are constantly judging - but when we do, it should be righteous judgment.

    So the next time, I see you park on the side of the road, at 10 pm, getting ready to change your tire, I wont bother to stop, as I would not want to judge your motives - who knows, maybe you are just showing your son how to change a tire on a busy street. Besides, I would not want to challenge our friendship by butting in as a busybody.
  11. Matt22:37-39 New Member

    Dec 4, 2011
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    SALTY....I'm glad I don't go to your kind of churches any more...they are so damaging!

  12. Alive in Christ New Member

    Jun 22, 2008
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    Scarllett posted...

    What a sweet post. :love2:
  13. awaken Active Member

    Aug 9, 2012
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    Again! If God is speaking to you/ convicting you to go...I would obey!
  14. Alive in Christ New Member

    Jun 22, 2008
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    You posted...

    Just curious, How so?
  15. Matt22:37-39 New Member

    Dec 4, 2011
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    Thanks for the question, I can honestly say I have been to all three kinds and found the one to be BALANCED the best. That would be my first real church after I got saved 28 years ago. I had attended a Pentecost church because the guy who witnessed to me when I was hitchhiking in upstate NY, (Got saved in Woodstock 1985, cool testimony) then God put me into a IFBC, through a friend when I came to Ca.

    Although the pastor was Bob Jones and old school, he learned through God's word what I also knew...that God is a balanced God, He is Holy, Righteous and Just...yet He is Loving, Merciful and Kind (this pastor preached it all the time, now I know why, it is key to everything) His word is balanced, as well and so shall we be. So too me that would be the best and healthiest church. The benchmark.

    After we moved, I haven't found a church like it, if at all. So I guess the one I went to that hurt me and others I have heard, is mainly the legalistic ones, THE OUTWARD WAS IMPORTANT THAN THE INWARD. Those would be the ones I was referring to. I learned that I don't like being judged unfairly, for many reasons....see, I was taught too well, I was taught balance for 8 years and it was also a part of who I am and have always been...a balanced person....praise God.

    Think of it this way...How does a banker (things may have changed nowadays) tell what a counterfeit is?...they are trained to spot quickly a counterfeit by STUDYING the real thing. I had the greatest opportunity at a impressionable age to study the real thing, I SOAKED it in....think about it take someone at 22 who is naturally bent towards right and wrong, things needing to be "fair"...being others centered. They are put under sound leadership, with theological teachings that many would have to pay big college bucks for. And he and his wife lived what he preached...that was my experience anyway....I give all due credit and respect for this great man of God...I'm sure they weren't perfect, but in my eyes they were close to it, even if we had disagreements, which was extremely rare, maybe twice...I have yet to find a man of God like him or a church like that since.

    So when my family and I attended 2 KJV only, Dresses only, and God's knows what ever other rule I broke, I saw the red flags immediately of BONDAGE and a JUDGMENTAL spirit...I was set free from bondage when I got saved. The more I stood for what was right the more the "wagons circled" there is great abuse of power if one tries and stand for TRUTH. I was taught by the "good pastor" that one should never point fingers at anyone cause there is always three more pointing back at you and me. He preached God's word and allowed the Holy Spirit to do His job. I can't go into how I have been hurt by both extremes but I have and I know deep down why and am ok with that. 'Power Corrupts and Absolute Power, Corrupts Absolutely."

    Like I said, I get hurt on BOTH ENDS, the liberal and the legalistic cause I am BALANCED (a rare concept evidently) and I was taught BALANCE....LOVE and TRUTH.

    And that is the message I think Dr. Whitaker was hoping to pass on to his congregation of 38? years.

    See, I DON'T FIT IN. I'm too liberal for the "Fundamental" churches and too conservative for the "Seeker Friendly" churches. If I was the quiet type, I'm sure it wouldn't be a problem, but I am not...never have been....All I know is I am accountable to God...even if I get hurt, as long as I believe I'm doing the right thing....what can really hurt me?...nothing really. To tell you the truth I think both extremes are just as dangerous as another....all extremes are. It is all about BALANCE!

  16. Thomas Helwys New Member

    Jan 12, 2013
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    Balance and moderation are hard to come by these days.
  17. saturneptune New Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    That is the key, balance. Common sense solves many problems, and you seem to be on the right road. Communion is one of those issues that evokes strong emotions, like Calvinism. I loath closed communion. The standard becomes the church roll instead of examining yourself, which is a man made standard. How many on any given church roll are saved?

    I suppose I might tell the correct person why I did not take communion, if that person was sincere in listening, encouraging, and edifying. However, if the ten foot nose person asks me, the gossip, it would get chopped off.
  18. HankD Well-Known Member
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    May 14, 2001
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    If one is truly concerned and you are a pastor, deacon or the person's Sunday School teacher then don't mention anything about the communion, later just call them or send a note saying - I was thinking of you, call me if you need anything.

    I suppose it would work even if you had no "title".

  19. Alive in Christ New Member

    Jun 22, 2008
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    Wonderfull post!
  20. Matt22:37-39 New Member

    Dec 4, 2011
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