On Abortion...again.

Discussion in 'General Baptist Discussions' started by auburnhale, Apr 2, 2008.

  1. pinoybaptist Active Member
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    Mar 17, 2002
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    The embryo has blood in it. The Bible says the life of the flesh is in the blood.

    Genesis 9:4 -
    "But flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof, ye shall not eat" was God's command to the Israelites about what to eat, and if this blood must be drained from the body of an animal first in order to make sure there is no life in it, how much more precious is the life of the human being's embryo because of the blood in it ?

    "For the life of the flesh is in the blood"..Leviticus 17:11

    Therefore the embryo IS human.

    The body lying in the casket WAS human. It is no longer living, no blood flowing into it, no life, no breath. You can bury it as is, or wrap it in a blanket and throw it into the sea, or a ditch. You can cremate it and dump the ashes down your toilet and flush it into the sewers, or you can scatter the ashes in the sea, on the road, on a farm.

    There is no law against leaving a body out to rot because it is already a dead body, no crime committed against the body, there is a law against doing so because of sanitation and health purposes.

    There is nothing in the Bible from God as to how specifically a dead body should be treated.
    What we do read is that one who handles a dead body among the Hebrews was to be considered unclean.
    With respect, with disrespect, it doesn't say. We read of how the customs were but there is no prohibition from God as to whether to chop the body up, or run it through the wood shredder.

    The English language itself senses that a dead body, a cadaver is no longer human, but that it was once human. Someone dead is found with no identification, the news does not say, " a dead human being was found lying in the gutter", the news says "the body of a man/woman".

    My own native language does the same.

    Funny how mourners would say in our language "ano po ang ikinamatay nito" ? English: What did "it" die of ?

    So, please, if you want to approve the murder of embryos, go ahead and do it. It's your conscience. It's a free country, and Baptists are big on "liberty of conscience" which basically means you can worship God in the way your conscience tells you to, and if you believe God is holy and yet approves of the death of human beings being formed according to the processes He ordained, you are free to worship Him according to what you believe.

    But don't look for us over here at this board to find the correct Scripture you can use to justify the heinous act of abortion, there aren't any Scriptures at all for its justification.
  2. KenH Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2002
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    The unborn child died nonetheless and it was done intentionally.

    I am not saying there was anything wrong with what the Israelites did; however, there is no point in denying that they intentionally killed unborn children.
  3. Joined:
    Dec 25, 2005
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    Under God's direction. And for just causes.

    Man's decision to abort babies is not just.
  4. KenH Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2002
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    I totally agree.
  5. JustChristian New Member

    Jun 12, 2007
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    Don't you see how untenable this statement is? Where does the New Testament (2nd covenant) say that it's murder to kill an unborn embryo but perfectly alright to kill a six month old non-combatant child in an unjust war?
  6. Amy.G New Member

    Sep 25, 2006
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    I assume you think it's a sin to go to war because innocents will die?

    War and abortion are 2 different things.
  7. pinoybaptist Active Member
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    Mar 17, 2002
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    The act of murder committed against the unborn embryo, which is a living human being, though yet unformed, is not alright, and neither is killing a six-month old baby.

    Strangely, you were describing my half-brother, whom the Japanese snatched from our mother's arms, threw into the air, and caught with his bayonet.

    A cousin, on that same day, and on that same place and time, was snatched from his mother's arms, and had his head smashed against a brick wall. He was eight months old. That was 1942, four years before lucky me was born.

    Both incidents are as horrifying as a licensed, legally practicing US physician using his forceps to pull off the arms, head, and legs of a half-formed baby from his mother's wombs.

    On the other hand, US troops gleefully firing and killing, or bayoneting, a six month old baby in war, just or unjust in your perception, is not the rule, but the exception, unless you want to state in print right here, right now, that that is the rule, and not the exception.

    US troops in Iraq, or Afghanistan, may have added innocents to their body counts, but I am sure they were never intentionally killed, which is the definition of murder, by the way.

    US troops, led by General Mc'Arthur bombed and shelled Manila, and certain populated cities and towns in the Philippines, and in the process killed innocent civilians, babies and toddlers included.

    Are you calling them murderers, too ? And was that an unjust war ?
  8. BaptistLady02 New Member

    Apr 3, 2008
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    The only time I ever see abortion as acceptable is when the pregnancy (such as a tubal pregnancy) would put the mother's life in danger. I cannot condone abortion for cases of rape, incest, or molestation.
  9. Amy.G New Member

    Sep 25, 2006
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    You said it far better than me. :thumbs:
  10. Palatka51 New Member

    Oct 25, 2007
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    My Reasons

    I was married in December of '79. After a year my wife and I wanted to start a family. One year later she was expecting. We were delighted and already knew what the child's name would be. Then right at the third month she miscarried. My child, human child, went home to be with his Maker. We were discouraged but our Dr encouraged us and in the later part of '81 she was expecting again. Then again in the third month she miscarried. Sadness was visiting us again. Yet God knows all and He has another human soul at His table.

    Then in early '83 we were in the family way again. It wasn't easy and again at the third month we were in trouble. Bleeding had started and we were on our knees in prayer again. For six months my wife was on her back and her mother and sisters saw to her every need while I worked and when I was off I relieved them. In November of '83 my wonderful daughter was born, a great gift of God almighty. Five years later in October of '88 my son was born. Why God gave me only 2 to raise? I do not know. I do love children and would have enjoyed all four. Jennifer and Roy are the joy of my life.

    I react strongly when replying to this subject because I know that God holds every child in His hand from conception to birth.

    I have another reason as to my demeanor, that I will have to share with you later as I am running late for Church and I must go for now.

    Thanks for listening and may God bless all of you that have posted here. And even those that have posted to the negative regarding life, believe it or not, I still love you, even though my anger has surfaced.

  11. DHK <b>Moderator</b>

    Jul 13, 2000
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    God bless you brother.
    Your testimony was a blessing and an encouragement.
  12. Sopranette New Member

    Aug 24, 2006
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    Thank you, Mel. I also have two in Heaven. Whenever I read some of the comments from the pro abortion side, it's like reading my two never really "counted" at all.


  13. Palatka51 New Member

    Oct 25, 2007
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    They just don't seem to understand that when we post our beliefs on this subject, They think that we are coming at them with a political point of view and not one of personal experience full of emotional hurt. When they belittle the life that we cherish, it's like rubbing salt in an open wound. Being a man, that has been through this, I tend to put on the boxing gloves. A womans response would probably be different.

    Blessings to you Sopranette,


    BTW, Isn't God so gracious to let us know through His Holy Word that He knows them and loves them? I do not know how anyone can get through life's tragedies without His Word and Holy Spirit to comfort us.
  14. Palatka51 New Member

    Oct 25, 2007
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    More Reasons

    Sorry that I had to up and run yesterday, so if you'd permit me I'd like to finish what I started.

    At the age of 51 I am still moved by this my testimony.

    There are many things that lead a person to Christ. While there are many persons that have responded to the gospel at first call, many of us have held out with very stubborn hearts. Believe it or not a 5 year old child can have a stubborn heart too.

    I am the oldest of four children, the only living son of Alvin and Ann Hall of Palatka, Florida. My Dad has been a preacher for as long as I can remember. He has been faithful to God, family and country.

    My mother was pregnant with, my brother, her third child. I was four going on five when they rushed her to the hospital. I do not remember it very clearly other than I was left with a great aunt and that my parents were in distress. Mom lost my brother in late term pregnancy. She was devestated and even today she will tear up when this time of her life is recalled. I do not remember when they told me, but I know it was very early in my life. They simply said that my brother was in Heaven. That simple witness began to work on a 5 year old's heart.

    Sometime around the age of 6, I began to ask questions about my brother being in Heaven. They basically said to trust Jesus and someday you will see him. A simple answer to a child like question.

    Over the next 4 years Dad was very faithful with family devotions and Bible readings. The thought of wanting to see my brother was constant and it was God's way of calling a young child unto Him for salvation and cleanliness of sin. Don't ask me how a child can grasp the concept of sin but at the age of 8 I knew that I was a sinner. In February of 1965, on a Wednesday night, after prayer meeting at Welaka Baptist Church of Welaka, Florida I rushed out of the Church and straight to the back seat of our 1965 Ford Station Wagon and poured my heart out to Jesus and made this statement to Him, "Lord if you will come into my heart I will go forward on Sunday and tell the Church." I can't tell you how He did it but He changed an 8 year old's heart that night. I told no one about my prayer and Sunday came.

    I waited until the invitation was over and prayer of dismissal was given. Every one had walked out but the Preacher, Brother Paul Cartledge, and I. He was at the alter counting that morning's offering and I, a shy 8 year old boy, made his way to the alter. I told him that I asked Jesus into my heart and that I wanted to be baptized. I was in tears and he was shouting. :laugh: He ran down the isle and out of the door of the building and asked everyone to come back in, that he had a surprise for them. They filed back in and I told them again of my intentions.

    I was baptized in Marvin's Lake on Mother's Day Sunday, 1965.

    I know now that God used that horrible event in mine and my mother's life to call a child to repentance. I will see my Lord one day soon. Either in death or in the sky.

    If God can use the death of the unborn to call one child unto Him, He can use the life that is forming in the mother's womb to live for Him at conception. He has a purpose for every soul that has been conceived. I don't care if that child has Down's Syndrome or is born to wealth, poverty or to a single mother. It has a purpose. For me that purpose was to call a resistant 8 year old boy. :godisgood:

    Again God's Blessings to you all.
