Questions for KJVOs

Discussion in '2004 Archive' started by Phillip, Mar 6, 2004.

  1. charlie parker New Member

    Mar 6, 2004
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    skanwmatos wrote>>
    CEV: She went to see her father and while she was getting down from her donkey, Caleb asked, "what's bothering you?"

    I fail to see what is so funny."<<

    You didnt post the vs. Why not?
  2. dianetavegia Guest

    What is CEV? I tried to find it on Crosswalk but they don't have it.

    Is that the Contemporary English Version? Sounds like that Readers Digest Bible they tried to get going 15 years ago or so.

  3. Ed Edwards <img src=/Ed.gif>

    Aug 20, 2002
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    I have half a dozen
    KJVs in my library. They are NOT all the
    same. Which one is the AV of which you

    1. Nelson facimilie of a 1611 edition.
    2. Henderson facimilie of the same 1611 edtion
    3. TODAY's Parallel Bible, 1873 edition KJV
    4. Tim LaHaye, PROPHECY STUDY BIBLE (no edition data)
    5. Grandma's old Bible: 1851 edition KJV
    by the New Your American Bible Society

    None of these say "Authorized Version" (AV).
    All these say "Holy Bible" except Grandma's
    which has the cover missing as well as
    Revelation 7:3 to the end.

    So i want to know which one of these
    is the "AV"? If you say "all" please
    check with me about the differences
    between them.
    A man named Lewis says
    in the late 1800s the American Bible Society
    noted 20,000 varian spellings, puntuations,
    and other chagnes between the copies
    of the KJV then in print.

    You say: " ... The AV has NEVER been revised, NEVER, ... "

    What AV are you talking about that has
    never been revised?

    As an extra task: who authorized the AV?
    Most unprincipled KJVOites seem content
    to imply that God authorized the AV.
    I will not buy that.

  4. Ed Edwards <img src=/Ed.gif>

    Aug 20, 2002
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    THE LEARNING BIBLE, Contemporary English
    Version (American Bible Society, 1995).

    THE READER'S DIGEST BIBLE, Condensed from
    the Revised Standard Version (Reader's
    Digest Assocation, 1985).
  5. charlie parker New Member

    Mar 6, 2004
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    Do they say "Authorized King James Version?
    1. Nelson is a roman catholic publishing house, their alais is tan books and publishers, this is used to dupe dupes into thinking there not rc--I buy nothing from nelson.
    2. Not familier with it.
  6. charlie parker New Member

    Mar 6, 2004
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    Didnt mean to send
  7. Ed Edwards <img src=/Ed.gif>

    Aug 20, 2002
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    That is why I said:
    //"None of these say "Authorized Version" (AV).//

  8. Orvie New Member

    Jul 8, 2001
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    sorry Charlie, I'm just funning you. ;) and you've seen or heard of Dr Ruckman treating MV advocates w/ kindness? I'd like to see that for myself. I hope he stops telling "n*****" jokes.
  9. Ed Edwards <img src=/Ed.gif>

    Aug 20, 2002
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    Judges 1:14 (CEV)

    Right after the wedding, Aschsah started
    telling Othniel that he* ought to ask her
    father for a field. She went to see
    her father, and while she was getting down from@
    her donkey, Caleb asked, "What's bothering you?"

    *1:14 Achsah ... Othniel ... he,
    Hebrew, two ancient translations:
    "Othniel ... Achssah ... she".

    @1:14 "getting down from", One
    possible meaning for the difficult
    Hebrew text.

    What is funny here?
  10. charlie parker New Member

    Mar 6, 2004
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    Ed Edwards wrote&gt;&gt;So i want to know which one of these
    is the "AV"? If you say "all" please
    check with me about the differences
    between them.
    A man named Lewis says
    in the late 1800s the American Bible Society
    noted 20,000 varian spellings, puntuations,
    and other chagnes between the copies
    of the KJV then in print."

    Ok Ed Ill grant you that, 20,000- 25,000, variants in word spelling and punctuations like , for . and . for , Lets now talk about the 20,000 + WORD changes that change the context of the subject in the niv etc.

    As an extra task: who authorized the AV?
    Most unprincipled KJVOites seem content
    to imply that God authorized the AV.
    I will not buy that."

    We will see about "unprincipled" if principipled is kicking and screaming about variant spelling and punctuation while adding and subtracting words and even full vss, then i'll take "unprincipled" every time, I will save us a lot of time discussing Charismatics venture into making bibles $$$$$$ and the more devious offerings such as E. Shylock Englishes double fraud the nsrb, its not a Scofield reference bible, they added notes that bro. C.I. would have lynched them if he had not been dead, Its not a King James bible, they changed the text, If you take the words to the song "the wreck of the edmond fitzgerald" and put it to the tune of "silent night" you are not singing silent night. Lastly, The AV was and is authorized by the replacement of the levitical priesthood, who were charged by God in matters of holy writ, The NT preisthood of believers who went out to the ends of the earth with the Two Edged Sword, The first missionaries to Africa, China, and the Isls didnt take niv's and nasb's, they took the bible that said "For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one." in 1 John 5:7 and the bible that I am refering to is the one that retains that reading.

  11. charlie parker New Member

    Mar 6, 2004
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    Ed Edwards wrote "Judges 1:14 (CEV)

    Right after the wedding, Aschsah started
    telling Othniel that he* ought to ask her
    father for a field. She went to see
    her father, and while she was getting down from@
    her donkey, Caleb asked, "What's bothering you?"

    Well, Crow ought to be tasteing good by now, but, it dont, About 5 yrs ago I picked up an paperback cev at a yardsale for .50, The reason I bought it was to check the reading of the vs mentioned above, because someone had told me of the reading, I have since disposed of it, if I had it I would have posted the vs. It read like this "Right after the wedding, Aschsah started
    telling Othniel that he* ought to ask her
    father for a field. She went to see
    her father, and while she was getting down from@
    her donkey, she broke wind and Caleb asked, "What's bothering you?"
    I suppose this vs went the way of Kenneth Taylors famous "sob" vs, they took so much flack they dropped it, O well Good for them.
  12. Ed Edwards <img src=/Ed.gif>

    Aug 20, 2002
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    I hereby shun Charlie.
    Sorry, i can distinguish between
    a rant where one vilifies all MVs
    (like they are all the same),
    vilifies MV readers, damns MY HOLY
    WORD while successfully avoiding
    the answer to my questions
    AND a letigimate post.

    2 Thessalonians 2:14-15 (KJV1769):

    14 And if any man obey not our word by
    this epistle, note that man, and have no
    company with him, that he may be ashamed.
    15 Yet count him not as an enemy,
    but admonish him as a brother.

    You say you have the final authority,
    yet you refuse to share with me what it is.
    You say you have the authorized version,
    yet you cannot answer "Who authorized
    the authorized version?".
  13. charlie parker New Member

    Mar 6, 2004
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    Orvie wrote"sorry Charlie, I'm just funning you. and you've seen or heard of Dr Ruckman treating MV advocates w/ kindness? I'd like to see that for myself. I hope he stops telling "n*****" jokes. "

    Hey brother thats ok, I was kinda diggin you too, I really appreciate a sence of humor I know the Lord has one, He saved me-----:). Aww no, the hamite jokes are priceless, was at a meeting a few yrs back, 500 or so there was an missionary offering for some 12 missionaries one being a young black brother from SC he was a "missionary to the ghetto" or something like that--think he got 300.00, but---he laughed at all the ribbing, great fellow.
  14. charlie parker New Member

    Mar 6, 2004
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    Ed Edwards wrote"You say you have the final authority,
    yet you refuse to share with me what it is.
    You say you have the authorized version,
    yet you cannot answer "Who authorized
    the authorized version?".&lt;&lt;&lt;
    Hey brother, which part of my answer dont you understand? here it is again," The AV was and is authorized by the replacement for the levitical priesthood, who were charged by God in matters of holy writ, The NT preisthood of believers .Bible believers who received with joy and propagated it.
    Which AV? the one that has the "Johnine comma" intact, variant spellings and punctuations are irrelevent and mean nothing'

    As for you shuning me, I will probably never recover from it-------There I've recovered.
  15. skanwmatos New Member

    Dec 12, 2003
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    I did post it. I reads
    You still haven't told me what is so funny about that verse?

    You were probably thinking of the New English Bible first edition, but they changed it to "made a noise" in the second edition. The NEB overly relied on cognates, in this case from Akkadian, and an insufficiently attested cognate at that, which resulted in the idiotic reading.

    [ March 20, 2004, 09:53 PM: Message edited by: skanwmatos ]
  16. Ed Edwards <img src=/Ed.gif>

    Aug 20, 2002
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    I hereby unshun Charlie.
    /Ed sings "Charlie, charlie, charlie
    charlie" to the tune of "Boomer Sooner"./

    Sorry, i had a problem of credibility.
    I found two incredulous statements
    so i had dificulty concieving
    that they were the answers to my

    You have the final authority and it
    is within yourself, priesthood of the
    believer, and all that.

    While I looked for the spurious
    Johnnian Comma, I found the Nelson KJV1611
    duplicate does have that Comma and
    additionally calls itself the "Authorized
    Version". So i do have a copy of the AV
    in my possession.

    Out of defference to the idea that each
    brother has the right to be wrong,
    i'll use the KJV1611 edition when i
    quote scripture in your presence.
    IF i can remember who i agreed to do
    what for. [sarcasm] After awile both faces
    of you KJVOs tend to start looking alike. [/sarcasm]

    (that non-carismatic one-handed
    God worshipin' Graemlin)
  17. Scott J Active Member
    Site Supporter

    Apr 25, 2001
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    Actually that rests on what you mean by "error". Errors of doctrine/teaching or deviations from the wording of the originals?

    The KJV translators acknowledged that God in His providence had allowed copyists' errors to creep into the text such that some passages could not be determined with absolute certainty. They, like all believers in the true, orthodox doctrine of scriptural preservation, asserted that none of these "variants" in the texts effected any doctrine. Further, they said that when God allowed a passage to become questionable in its reading fear rather than boldness was to be preferred. They acknowledged that their work probably contained errors but still asserted that it was God's Word.

    Actually that is what KJVO's do arbitrarily. We can give a good, consistent, honest reason for what we believe... you cannot.

    Those of us who believe the fundamental, orthodox doctrine on the Bible depend on the evidence God providentially gave us concerning the originals to determine what we believe. Like so many other doctrines and Christians beliefs, there are differing opinions that can be supported scripturally and with historical evidence... KJVO simply isn't one of them.

    Opinion never counts as evidence for anything.

    The evidence is that these scholars lay their case out for scholarly comparison to the God preserved evidence for the originals. The KJV translators had a mandate from the king and used a text originally dedicated to a Pope. Eventually, they used force of law- not the quality of their translation- to foist the KJV on those who loved the Geneva.
    Unless you are in possession of the originals or have the scholarly training to refute the reasoning employed by these various translators... you have no justification for calling them inaccurate... except for your true final authority- your opinion.
    I know of plenty of KJVO literature that isn't being distributed for free. The KJV itself is still making publishers money. And as someone else pointed out, the KJV was a money making venture for King James.

    I started a thread about how the KJV became dominant and gave several links to proof. The KJV became dominant after the CoE using their state-based authority to outlaw the Geneva Bible. Indications are that this was partly done because the king and CoE didn't make any money off of the Geneva.

    Hardly. You cannot deal with simple facts nor simple questions. You cannot cite scripture that commands what you believe about the KJV nor even scriptural example. We can, and have, given both to support our views. You cannot cite any other factual reasons for your beliefs without employing double standards or other dishonest tactics.

    It is most definitely the KJVO who has built his house on sand.
  18. Dr. Bob Administrator

    Jun 30, 2000
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    Who said, " ... The AV has NEVER been revised, NEVER, ... "

    I am not sure what the word "revised" meant in 1611, but I sure know what is means today:

    Webster's New World Dictionary = revise: 1. to read over carefully, as a manuscript, published book etc, to correct and improve or bring up-to-date. 2. to change or amend

    Now, care to 'splain? No one here is a fool who cannot read and not know that the AV1611 has been "revised" a NUMBER of times. People who proclaiming untruths out here in Wyoming are usually called by a certain name . . .
  19. Ed Edwards <img src=/Ed.gif>

    Aug 20, 2002
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    By careful examination i've determined that
    God almighty authorized the KJV1611 AV.
    It is still the same. In another thread nearby
    i've determined that about 2/3 of the posters
    here have a copy of the KJV1611 edition.
    So at least 2/3es of us have access to
    the Authorized By God Version.
    It has not been changed ever
    (the KJV1769 has been changed,
    the KJV1762 has been chagned,
    the KJV1873 has been changed)

    Say, does anybody here know what
    the 99.99% of people 1800-1990 used
    for the auhorized by God Bible
    cause they didn't have a hot copy of the
    KJV1611? Pity the poor 19th century
    person who had no Bible cause they couldn't
    affort the unaltered KJV1611 edition.

    Pray for me. I'm beginning to enjoy sarcasm :(
  20. Alcott Well-Known Member
    Site Supporter

    Dec 17, 2002
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    Frankly the KJV has me doing enough laughing with its rendition of this verse.