Southern Baptists, Immigration, and doing the right thing

Discussion in 'General Baptist Discussions' started by Ruiz, Jun 17, 2011.

  1. Ruiz New Member

    Jun 9, 2010
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    You are ruthless. "If I speak with the tongues of mens and of angels but have not love then I am a resounding gong and a clanging symbol."

    Where is the love?
  2. FR7 Baptist Active Member

    May 29, 2009
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    That's just twisted. Protecting American jobs is as American as apple pie. Another thing we should do is institute social democracy, which would also help the economy.
  3. mandym New Member

    Feb 3, 2011
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    Is it love to allow a bank robber to go hungry because he needs to hide from the police. A law breaker is a law breaker. They can stay home. There is no imperative that they be here. Or they can come legally like so many others have.

    But you have still not proven your claim.
  4. Ruiz New Member

    Jun 9, 2010
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    Our immigration policies do give preferences to professionals and those of high economic means. It does discriminate against people. A poor person who wants to come over to work is much less likely to get a pass to come into our country than a Physician. I know a person who was allowed to come to America legally, but then his wife and kids were denied. He came over to get his Masters, but his wife could not join her husband because she had no trade to offer this country. All over socio-economic issues.

    Would you agree that such a policy is immoral? The man completed two years towards a Masters but left to return home because they finally gave up.

    That is a picture of our immoral system.
  5. mandym New Member

    Feb 3, 2011
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    No it is not. There is no requirement or imperative to come into this country. What is the standard you use for this judgment.
  6. Ruiz New Member

    Jun 9, 2010
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    The premise is that the law is immoral. If my premise is right, the bank robber issue illustration is wrong.

    Secondly, would you agree with me on these three points.

    1. Slavery is wrong because slaves are made in God's image thus should be treated like all other humans without regard to race, gender, or socio-economic level.
    2. Abortion is wrong because babies are made in God's image thus should be treated like all other humans without regard to race, gender, or socio-economic level
    3. Our immigration laws are wrong because immigrants are made in God's image and should be treated equally without regard to race, gender, or socio-economic level.

    I have proven my case, you have offered no rebuttal. Thus, by debate rules, you lose and I did prove my claim. You are simply offering irrational "you did not" to avoid talking about the issue.
  7. Ruiz New Member

    Jun 9, 2010
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    I use the Bible, that we are all equal before God, created in God's image.

    I am questioning the criteria of our country and calling it immoral because it contradicts the Bible who clearly says we are all created in God's image and that we should not show preference to the rich or other groups, but should be equal to all.

    Thus, the law is immoral because it violates the principle of humanity and showing preference to people.
  8. Ruiz New Member

    Jun 9, 2010
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    BTW, would you hold the view that law is just and right because it is law, or would you agree with me that law should be judged by God? Would you agree that just because there is a law by a country does not make it a just law?
  9. mandym New Member

    Feb 3, 2011
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    It matters not why the law exists it is a law and should be obeyed and is not equal to the killing of unborn children.

    Secondly, would you agree with me on these three points.

    I do not agree with socio-economic level. It is not the same as the other two and you have not proven that to be an immoral problem.

    You need to stop making these claims. My posts are still there. Maybe you need to go back and reread them. What is the standard you use to make this judgment.
  10. FR7 Baptist Active Member

    May 29, 2009
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    No. I don't think it's immoral in the least. What is immoral is the illegals taking jobs from Americans and driving down wages- something you've refused to address. These illegals give all Hispanics a bad reputation. As a Hispanic person, I want Hispanic people to have a reputation as an intelligent, well-regarded ethnic group.
  11. Ruiz New Member

    Jun 9, 2010
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    So, do you believe unjust laws, no matter what, should be obeyed? I would disagree and I believe most of Christian history would disagree. The Bible even gives examples of unjust laws being disobeyed.

    So you believe that we should judge people based upon socio-economic levels? How do you reconcile Christ's apparent opposite view and James who specifically condemns such views? Specifically James 2:6

    My statement is that we should not make immigration policy based upon our perceived worth of the humans coming into our country. My criteria is simple, we are not to show preference to people just because they have means, that each of us have a worth given from God. As well, it is immoral to restrict people because of man made ideas about human worth to America.
  12. Ruiz New Member

    Jun 9, 2010
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    There is nothing immoral about people taking jobs, in America we call that capitalism. In fact, I am excited they are willing to come into America and work, some Americans can learn a good lesson from them.

    BTW, I did address the idea of wages in a previous post. Our modern system requires a certain number of workers in our country in order to remain economically viable. However, our birth rate has not kept up with these figures. Thus, we need a workforce who will come in and work to pay taxes and contribute to society so we do not deflate the economy. In some Eastern European countries, this has become a big problem and economically has depressed many places. Our economy would have seen deflation had it not been for immigration, legal and illegal.

    Thus, having someone come in is a good thing in our situation or else I believe we would be far worse off than we are now.

    BTW, there is no evidence that their low wages and immigration into the United States has affected unemployment rates. If anything, I might be willing to make the case that they actually helped the economy by preventing sticky wages. Our unemployment woes have more to do with the financial sector but also because productivity has increased mixed with uncertainty in the economy which has resulted in being less willing to rehire.
  13. righteousdude2 Well-Known Member
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    Oct 14, 2007
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    Fast Track Immigration Equates to Nothing More Than:

    Another liberal bleeding heart attempt to put a band aide on a problem that has grown worse since Ronald Reagan opened his liberal heart and allowed millions of illegals unfair amnesty!

    I thought Reagan was a good president, but I'll never be able to give him a :thumbs: for the stupidity in granting that initial round of Amnesty. They ought to name the Amnesty Dam and Floodgates after Reagan :laugh:

    My question is, why liberal America is unable to see the error in granting amnesty to those who break our immigration laws? Each time we grant these lawbreakers amnesties; we are only opening wider the floodgates to those who have not yet crossed our borders with the same hope of getting amnesty, some day? A mere legal slap on the hand, and American citizenship that cost our forefathers more than these folks will ever realize is not the answer.

    Christianity has to demand that the laws of the land either stand for something, or vote to remove them altogether. If a border and immigration laws are not going to be enforced to the fullest, then get rid of them all together and the sooner the better.



    Pastor Paul :type:
  14. Ruiz New Member

    Jun 9, 2010
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    First, I am not a liberal. I am considered very conservative. I hold to Austrian Economics but I am very socially conservative.

    Secondly, the Southern Baptist Convention is not liberal. I think this is evident.

    Finally, I am saying that our current immigration policy is immoral. We base allowing people into our country upon a set of principles that violate the Bible.
  15. mandym New Member

    Feb 3, 2011
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    Where in the Bible?
  16. FR7 Baptist Active Member

    May 29, 2009
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    Capitalism sucks. We need to replace it with a socialist economy based on private worker-owned cooperatives through gradual, peaceful, evolutionary means.

    Once again, there are MILLIONS OF AMERICANS unemployed who can do the jobs the illegals are doing. If we have too few workers, we can institute a guest worker program. Americans can also start having more babies.
  17. FR7 Baptist Active Member

    May 29, 2009
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    This part of liberal America does see the error.
  18. Ruiz New Member

    Jun 9, 2010
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    First, you didn't answer all my questions...

    Secondly, my statement in context is that we should not base our views on who comes into America on giving "human" preference to things like race, gender, or socio-economic level. I noted a verse in James but referenced ideas of Jesus and the poor. God is no respector of persons, the Bible says. Thus, I do not think it is right to base our immigration policies upon education, income, etc... but upon true issues. I began to say that I do think we need to limit immigration of those who would harm us. But not because we prefer only certain socio-economic people here.
  19. Ruiz New Member

    Jun 9, 2010
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    Again, my argument is over the immoral aspect of our immigration laws. I can argue with you economically, but you have not offered an economic argument.

    Secondly, I am not a fan of big companies but socialism is horrible. That is a discussion for another day, but I would love for you to outline the economic motivators and your thoughts on economic theories like Creative Destruction and how it relates to a socialist economy.
  20. FR7 Baptist Active Member

    May 29, 2009
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    The main economic motivator in my view of socialism is to increase the value of the private cooperative institution for its member-owners, who are also the workers. By having the owners and workers be one and the same, it removes the ability of the greedy capitalists to exploit their workers and make money off the labor of others. The main exception would be banks, which would be operated like today's credit unions and owned by non-employee members.