A video of my girls dancing in church...

Discussion in 'Music Ministry' started by annsni, Dec 25, 2008.

  1. Spinach New Member

    Dec 9, 2008
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    I wonder this as well.
  2. gb93433 Active Member
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    Jun 26, 2003
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    In gnosticism, legalism, and non-Christian religions godliness is opinion but in scripture it is God's word, not man's opinion.

    godliness in the Greek NT:
    Acts 3:12
    1Tim 2:2
    1Tim 3:16
    1Tim 4:7, 8
    1Tim 6:3
    1Tim 6:5, 6
    1Tim 6:11
    2Tim 3:5
    Titus 1:1
    2Pet 1:3
    2Pet 1:6, 7
    2Pet 3:11
  3. Aaron Member
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    Sep 4, 2000
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    Dance "done towards God"? What does that mean?

    Sign language is not dance. Neither does it sanctify a dance despite the things signified. It is a non-verbal language and falls under the directives concerning tongues. I've seen it incorporated in songs even when there was no need for it. Why? For the exhibitionism. It looks neat. I've heard another publicly repeat the Lord's Prayer in Aramaic, even though no one assembled could understand it. Why? Exhibitionism. It sounds neat.

    "O For a THOUSAND tongues to sing my dear Redeemer's praise!" Yet five understood words are better than ten thousand unknown tongues.

    Now, you get a fella up there who never knew how to sign, and he signs by the supernatural power of God, as tongues were operated, then you've got something—as long as it's interpreted, because the UNDERSTOOD WORD of God is the essence of spiritual worship.

    You get a fella who was crippled from birth that goes walking and leaping and praising God (e.g. giving thanks to God for his power and mercy), that THE MESSAGE BEING PREACHED is confirmed, then you've got something, because the BELIEVED WORD of God is the essence of spiritual worship.

    You get someone like Billy Bray, a vile (You listenin', Bob?) wretch to both sinner and saint alike, whose transformation was so complete that there was no question of the power and glory of God, who would say "I was very happy in work and could leap and dance for joy underground as well as on the surface," (He was a miner.) then you got something, God's WORD IN ACTION, i.e., a changed life, is the essence of spiritual worship.

    Billy Bray didn't dance in church.

    So which of these is like the dance your girls did? Mind you—I don't blame them. They're innocent. But I shudder to think of the teaching they're receiving.

    Dance does have its place—among the types and shadows of the law (though never commanded, neither suffered in the Temple or synagogue). You have yet to present anything other than fuzzy feeling and sappiness to support it as a spiritual form of worship. Sad.
  4. Lagardo New Member

    May 10, 2006
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    You haven't presented anything other than your opinion. Being able to say your opinion bluntly does not make it more credible. It is what it is, an opinion.

    Now, if you need to take care of that shuddering, I'd suggest a nice warm blanket.
  5. Aaron Member
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    Sep 4, 2000
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    You believe that spiritual worship consists of something other than the Word of God? Do Tell.
  6. Lagardo New Member

    May 10, 2006
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    The best definition I have heard on worship is setting our mind's attention and our hearts attention on God.

    Methodology is really secondary. If it were more important, I suppose there might have been some commandments telling us what we should and should not do in worship, but as you have pointed out, those commandments are in the shadows and types of the Old Testament.

    How are those shudders?
  7. Aaron Member
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    Sep 4, 2000
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    Christ told us that because God is a spirit, those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth. And you say you found nothing in the NT about what we should and should not do in worship? I'll also direct you to 1 Cor. 14.
  8. DHK <b>Moderator</b>

    Jul 13, 2000
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    Was there dancing in the OT Temple?
    Was there dancing in the synagogues?
    Is there evidence that there will be dancing in heaven?
    Is there any evidence in any NT church that there was dancing?

    Where is there any Biblical evidence that dancing is a valid form of worship for today in our churches? I haven't seen one good post giving any evidence whatsoever. Only opinion...

    To demand for one to prove a negative is totally illogical. We don't have to prove that it is NOT a valid form of worship; BUT rather you have to demonstrate that it IS a valid form of worship.

    Would you debate a Muslim that way?
    You say that Christ is the only way to heaven, and that Allah isn't, (John 14:6).
    The Muslim says: Prove that Allah isn't.
    One doesn't prove a negative.
    Rather you prove that Christ is the way.
    The Muslim must prove that Allah is.
    You must prove that Christ is.
    Again you prove that which you affirm; not that which you affirm not.
    Be logical about this.
  9. tinytim <img src =/tim2.jpg>

    Oct 31, 2003
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    It doesn't take brain surgeon to figure that out.. actually anyone that has ever really worshipped God, knows our worship is to done toward HIM.

    It is for His pleasure, and just because some people here don't like dance doesn't mean God doesn't..

    Here is a news flash, Aaron.. YOU ARE NOT GOD.

    You don't even understand fully the mind of God.. and your opinions do not equal scripture. You are placing your interpretation of Scripture on the same level as scripture....

    BTW, I don't fully understand the mind of God either..

    Making fun of a woman's daughters because you don't like dancing is wrong.

    You have been on annsni's case since yesterday, and you should be ashamed.

    Annsni.. the next time you should share your worship in fellowship forums.. that way people that don't appreciate other Christian's worship won't have a voice to complain against your daughters..

    I for one am very proud of your daughters.. keep up the good work..
    YOU are a good parent.. it shines through.
  10. Aaron Member
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    Sep 4, 2000
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    Agreed. I would never do that. In fact, I applaud mothers who teach their daughters dance. Where have I ever made fun of anyone's child?

    What I think is contemptible is parading them in front of a congregation and calling it worship. God didn't receive it. But the burden is not on the shoulders of the children. Never did I place it there. The blame is squarely on the shoulders of the parents and the blind guides who taught them to do so.

    **I would just draw the attention of those who've accused me of having a "vile" tongue to your statement above and say that guile from those espousing the popular ideology appears to be perfectly acceptable.**
  11. tinytim <img src =/tim2.jpg>

    Oct 31, 2003
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    YOu speak like David's wife.. and God punished her.

    Be careful. Just a friendly warning from one brother to another..

    YOU don't know what God receives and what he doesn't.
    YOU don't have the mind of God.. His thoughts are way above ours.
  12. Aaron Member
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    Sep 4, 2000
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    No, it takes a theologian—something that seems to be scarce these days.

    True worshippers worship the Father in spirit and in truth. That's what Christ said, and the criteria are objective and universal, not arcane as you intimate here. Lacking, as you do, the Scriptural basis for your feelings you appeal to something secret and extra-Biblical.

    Well, then PROVE what is that good and acceptible and perfect will of God, or are rants all you have to offer?

    That's right. I LOVE dance. It's beautiful and breathtaking when skillfully executed. It's not by accident that the nine fruits of the Spirit are called "nine ladies dancing" in the popular carol. But then, I'm not God, so I don't presume that what I love and admire are what HE loves and admires. Got go by the Scriptures on that . . .

    That's right. Look at yourself in the mirror and say that ten times.

    No I'm not. I'm still waiting for you to justify YOUR opinion that God accepts dance.
  13. tinytim <img src =/tim2.jpg>

    Oct 31, 2003
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    That's right it is an opinion... just like yours.. you don't have proof that God doesn't approve.. we are arguing over opinions....

    Which is why this debate has gone on for ages.. there is nothing in the Bible one way or the other.. it is a cultural argument.

    I am blessed when people come back from Bolivia on mission trips and they show how the Baptists in Bolivia dance.. .every service...
    They know how to praise God.

    Of course this is just my opinion.

    Those that want to do away with dance in worship want to exclude over half the Bible.. the OT.

    My proof would be David.. but you will not accept that.. so we are just going in circles...

    I can't wait to dance in Heaven. (sure can't do it down here!!! :laugh: )
  14. gb93433 Active Member
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    Jun 26, 2003
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    Your view of worship is limited to a few words in scripture when worship encompasses a far greater meaning than what you assign it. Look up the other Hebrew and Greek words. A good start is in Romans 12:1.The average Christian cannot meet God in worship on Sunday because he has not worshiped God in obedience during the week.
  15. DHK <b>Moderator</b>

    Jul 13, 2000
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    Did David dance in the Temple, the OT place of worship?
  16. tinytim <img src =/tim2.jpg>

    Oct 31, 2003
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    Right, worship is much more than two hours on Sunday..

    We are not limited by place and time.. (John 4)

    God can be worshipped anywhere.. Don't pigeonhole God..
    He is much to big.
  17. tinytim <img src =/tim2.jpg>

    Oct 31, 2003
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    No, but he did dance before God...
    2 Samuel 6:14
    (14) Then David danced before the Lord with all his might; and David was wearing a linen ephod.

    That is worship...
  18. tinytim <img src =/tim2.jpg>

    Oct 31, 2003
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    And when Michal called David on it.. he again said...
    2 Samuel 6:21
    (21) So David said to Michal, "It was before the Lord, who chose me instead of your father and all his house, to appoint me ruler over the people of the Lord, over Israel. Therefore I will play music before the Lord.
  19. tinytim <img src =/tim2.jpg>

    Oct 31, 2003
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    The temple wasn't the place of worship throughout all the OT...

    Where else did they worship God.

    Did Abraham ever worship God?

    what about Moses?



    What about Daniel in Babylon?

    Why do you limit worship to the temple in the OT.

    Many, many people worshipped God without the temple.
  20. gb93433 Active Member
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    Jun 26, 2003
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    Now apply that to Mt. 28:19,20 AND James 1:22.

    Are you saying that God did not accept David's dancing? I might be blind but I am unable to find any scripture that would suggest your opinion in regards to David.

    I would suggest that that most of "worship" today is the same thing Amos 6 condemns because the people are lulled into thinking by the pastor that they are doing God's will by doing church things. They are so busy with church things that God cannot possibly use them to reach people, so they are used by Satan in their complacency among those in the world.