going to church 3 times a week

Discussion in 'General Baptist Discussions' started by corndogggy, Apr 26, 2007.

  1. OrovilleTim New Member

    Oct 21, 2004
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    Wow, this thread started out as one person talking about how their pastor was "labeling" people, and how they didn't like attending the extra things because they become social, and they are an un-social individual.

    Instead of addressing why the person feels unsocial towards their church family, the thread gets hi-jacked and turned into "I shouldn't have to go to church so much" by others, and so on. So, instead of trying to lift someone up, some choose to defend something they are most likely under conviction for.
  2. James_Newman New Member

    Aug 27, 2004
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    This is a debate forum, and the OP ended with this nugget:
  3. tinytim <img src =/tim2.jpg>

    Oct 31, 2003
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    That was low....
    I am a full time Pastor, and I work on Sundays...Are you telling me I am wrong...

    I am beginning to wonder if you just like arguing.
  4. Rufus_1611 New Member

    Oct 27, 2006
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    If 100% of our nation was observing Sunday services this might be a problem and it would be a glorious problem to have. Contrary to Lahaye books however, I doubt the country would shut down if Christians assembled together or the worthy ones were caught up.

    In my area we have lots of SDAs (to echo James), atheists, nihilists and lukewarm Christians who don't like to attend church. I would think they should be able to hold it together for 24 hours while the Christians assemble together.

    As to condemnation, I don't have any. I'm not judging individual decisions, ya'll have your own Christian conscious to deal with. I'm expressing my view that Christians should assemble together, I believe the Bible says that somewhere. Sunday is historically considered The Lord's Day within Baptist / Protestant beliefs and we ought not seek excuses for why we shouldn't attend on this day. Further, we should support Christians brothers that find it important to make it a priority over all other worldly considerations.
  5. James_Newman New Member

    Aug 27, 2004
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    It was obviously a sarcastic response to a sarcastic comment.

    Matthew 12:5
    5 Or have ye not read in the law, how that on the sabbath days the priests in the temple profane the sabbath, and are blameless
  6. tinytim <img src =/tim2.jpg>

    Oct 31, 2003
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    What about Wednesdays...
    so a christian shouldn't work wed. evenings either?
    Or Thurs. evening Bible study...

    Why don't every christian just quit working, climb on a roof top and wait for Christ's return...
    Oh... right, we are commanded to support our family.

    A church that has to rely on Sunday mornings only is not a church. It is a social club...
    A church should be active throughout the week reshaping it's community..
    some do it at work, others elsewhere...

    There should be something available for everyone to attend to worship God....
  7. tinytim <img src =/tim2.jpg>

    Oct 31, 2003
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    No it wasn't, he was slandering Annsni's church's staff!
    and that was wrong.

    It is easy to see who is relying on works here to please God, and who is trusting in Christ...

    When you cut down a man of God to serve your purpose you are walking on dangerous grounds...

    I don't know Annsni's pastors, but you can tell they have taught her well..
    she has more sense in her pinky than most legalists do on this board put together.

    Yes, people should go to church, but people that go to church should love their brothers and sisters on Baptistboard too.

    Wouldn't you agree?
    I am out of here for a while....gotta cool down.
  8. James_Newman New Member

    Aug 27, 2004
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    Your right, Tiny, the church should be open 24/7 and there should be a preacher on staff at all times so that whenever I happen to have time for a sermon, I can drop in and hear one. Wait, I think they have that here
  9. tinytim <img src =/tim2.jpg>

    Oct 31, 2003
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    One last thing before I go...
    The church is not the meeting place...
    So yeah... the church should be busy at the grocery store, gas station, work places...
    There should be youth ministries, adult ministries, senior ministries, community ministries, mens ministries, womens ministries... something everyday... to give the members a chance to serve....

    Sorry you feel different....
  10. webdog Active Member
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    Mar 31, 2005
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    Define "Lords Day". Are the other 6 "Rufus Day"?

    Brother, you don't know me from Adam. Don't pretend you have any clue what my "issues" are....oh, and learn what "honor your father and mother" really mean.
  11. Rufus_1611 New Member

    Oct 27, 2006
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    She described 16 workers being paid to work a job.

    Do you consider it to be a job? Are you one who is hired, who serves for wages?

    If everyone just thought like me, I wouldn't have to and I wouldn't think I would have to argue in favor of Christians attending church in a Christian forum but such is the age. BTW... what else would you like to do in a debate forum, agree?
  12. annsni Well-Known Member
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    May 30, 2006
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    I don't know about anyone else who might be a pastor but from what I see at our own church and other churches we've been in, pastors DO work 24/7. My husband is off on Monday - his only day off right now. But you know what? Last Monday, he was in church much of the day for computer issues and then to counsel someone. Pastors are called at 3 AM when there is a sick congregant - and they will run to the hospital on a moment's notice. Yes, they are paid - but it IS also a service to the Lord. But being a pastor is a lot of WORK. I know my husband is being paid by the church to allow him to not have to work another job that would take a lot of time away from his ministry. He works hard for every penny he makes. And you know what? It IS a service for the Lord because he could easily make 3x the amount of money he's making now working for a lot less hours. But he LOVES what he does - and knows that God called him to this. So, while it's a work, it's a service to the Lord.
  13. Rufus_1611 New Member

    Oct 27, 2006
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    Does your church assemble? What day do they choose and what do they call it?

    I'm not saying I know you. I'm saying you called your father an infidel on this board because he chose to observe Sunday as a separated day for assembling and not working. How does this bring him esteem, dignity, respect or distinction?

    HON'OR, n. on'or. [L. honor, honos.]

    1. The esteem due or paid to worth; high estimation.

    2. A testimony of esteem; any expression of respect or of high estimation by words or actions; as the honors of war; military honors; funeral honors; civil honors.

    3. Dignity; exalted rank or place; distinction (Source: Webster's 1828)​
  14. tinytim <img src =/tim2.jpg>

    Oct 31, 2003
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    Man I keep getting drawn back to this thread like those that chase car wrecks!!!

    Annsni's church is a big church, doing wonderful ministries... if the church decides to pay their staff, great!

    I serve no matter what the church pays...
    And I expect debate in a debate forum.. .but not insults.

    If a pastor is preaching grace, people will come willingly...
    It is the legalistic pastor that has to bully his people with guilt trips, and legalism that has these problems...

    A good pastor don't have to micro-manage the member's lives.
    He preaches the Word, and let's the Holy Spirit do His job...

    Too many pastors think they are God..
    I just follow orders from God...
    I trust God to know what He is doing...
    And I teach my church to do the same...
  15. tinytim <img src =/tim2.jpg>

    Oct 31, 2003
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    Amen, and may God bless your family.. you've got it right..
    But others are part of the us 4 and no more mentality that says that only small churches are God's will... they just don't understand what a good church is supposed to look like!
  16. Rufus_1611 New Member

    Oct 27, 2006
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    It's not micro-management, it's compelling them to follow scripture. Do you trust Him when he says...

    "And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works:Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching." - Hebrews 10:24-25

    Is it legalism to believe that Christian folk assemble at an agreed time and place and folks ought not to forsake that assembly? Is it legalism to believe that the Baptist day for assemblying has commonly and historically been the first day of the week? And while sickness and emergencies might cause a brother to miss that assembly (and we ought not hold it against him) ought we not compel our brethren to attend church once a week or should we just encourage them to come if they can make it but if they have other priorities they should feel free to fit church in whenever they can?
  17. webdog Active Member
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    Mar 31, 2005
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    You didn't answer the question. I asked you. We call the day we assemble Sunday.
    Quote me where I called him an "infidel" or retract this.
    I guess we should never refer to David's situation with Bathsheba, as that brings dishonor to him...or talk about Peter's denial of Christ...that's dishonoring him, too. That's plain foolishness, rufus. You can mention a mistake or error of anyone without bringing them dishonor.
    BTW, you never did exegete the passage I asked for, but gave me a definition of honor. I know what honor means.
  18. Joined:
    May 18, 2006
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    In other words, tiny..

    A small Church is not what it is supposed to look like?


    My Bible tells me that many are called, but few are chosen. David was chastised by God for numbering the people. God is not wanting numbers, He is wanting faithfulness and obedience.

    Many of the larger churches seem to forget that.
  19. Rufus_1611 New Member

    Oct 27, 2006
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    The other 6 are not "Rufus days".

    Then if your church assembles on that day and you decide not to, then are you not forsaking that assembly?
    My bad, not an infidel rather, worse than an infidel.

    "But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel." - 1 Timothy 5:8

    David and Peter are you fathers?

    You were clear that you felt you knew what it meant, I provided you with what I thought it meant.
  20. tinytim <img src =/tim2.jpg>

    Oct 31, 2003
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    Churches that don't grow are doing something wrong...
    The commission to the church is to Make disciples.. not set around discussing how right they are, and how wrong everyone else is...

    A church that is not growing is dying!