Handwriting on the wall.

Discussion in '2004 Archive' started by mickd7, Nov 28, 2004.

  1. mickd7 Guest

    I have noted that certain subjects to do with Bapticostal has been removed from the BB and this tells me it is time to move on for in typical Baptist fashion, especially the IFB group, anything to do with certain doctrines they have a hard time with will eventually be taken out. I had hoped that Baptist had advanced enough to discuss all topics in relation to the Bible but I am afraid some things never change with certain Baptist.
    You would think the moderators would be kind enough to at least give a explanation of why they did it and what they did when changing and deleting material and disssions.
    When a forum begins this type action it is time for me to leave for I must have freedom when I am a member of any forum.
    I figured all along that the IFB controlled this forum and if that is the case I certainly have to move on...
  2. Joseph_Botwinick <img src=/532.jpg>Banned

    Nov 12, 2000
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    See ya.

    Joseph Botwinick
  3. blackbird Active Member

    Feb 21, 2002
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    Brother---let me try to explain!

    You post a new thread(subject) and write a few comments---then somebody else comes along and starts yet another thread(subject)---the computer is rigged in such a way that the person coming from behind you---his/her thread is placed in what appears "on top" of yours!

    Then another person comes along and comments on yet another subject in the forum---and that subject and its posts are "bumped" on ahead of yours----while yet---maybe nobody comments on your subject---it gradually moves toward the bottom of the forum topics and eventually off the screen.


    It isn't like you think! The IFB "boys and girls" do not control this forum---I, myself, am a SBCer---and have been moderating almost 9 months now!

    So, see??

    It isn't that the IFBers have a monopoly on this forum---nor do the SBCers--nor in your case, the "Bab-ta-costals"

    I would urge you to keep posting and adding subjects(according to the BB's rules, of course)---and see if what I am saying is true or not!

    Brother David(aka Blackbird)
  4. Ps104_33 New Member

    Sep 3, 2001
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    I hardly got to know ya.
  5. Joseph_Botwinick <img src=/532.jpg>Banned

    Nov 12, 2000
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    Everyone knows it is a vast right wing IFB conspiracy. There are no SBCers on here... ;)

    Joseph Botwinick
  6. LadyEagle <b>Moderator</b> <img src =/israel.gif>

    Feb 7, 2002
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    Fat Eagle, Brother David has told you the truth. I have never known Brother David to lie. He teases a lot, but he doesn't lie. (Besides, now that you have changed your screen name to one of the "feathered" flock, we birds must stick together, you know. ;) )

    BTW, there are very few IFBers on here, IMO. You can tell from all the diversity and liberalism, especially when it comes to End Times and the Rapture.
  7. Joseph_Botwinick <img src=/532.jpg>Banned

    Nov 12, 2000
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    Don't be too hard on yourself and your prophecy in the news theology... ;)

    Joseph Botwinick
  8. Joseph_Botwinick <img src=/532.jpg>Banned

    Nov 12, 2000
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  9. Dr. Bob Administrator

    Jun 30, 2000
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    Be kind, Joseph. "Fat" is convinced of an error and doesn't want to change the mind. We have rearranged posts and forums in the past few days so all might have a challenge finding their pet threads.

    I personally do not know how Fat was allowed to post on Baptist-only Forums. Baptists are NOT pentecostal. His/her chosen description was not Baptist but "bapticostal". That is not Baptist by admission.
  10. DHK <b>Moderator</b>

    Jul 13, 2000
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    I agree with Dr. Bob. "Bapticostal" is not "Baptist" per se. Fat Eagle you really ought to be posting in the Other Christian Debate or Fellowship Forums. There are plenty of topics to choose from there that are for non-Baptists.
  11. mickd7 Guest

    Blackbird and Lady Eagle: Thank you for the Christian response. I can tell when someone is sincere and walks with the Lord because of their demeaner and words. I understand and apoligize for jumping conclusions.
    As for Rev Bob when I first came on this board I knew immediately that you were of the IFB ilk because of your responses to those that are not aligned totally with your way of thinking. Be as that may I disagree totally with you about my not being Baptist. I am more Baptist than you are for I totally accept the Scripture and as a Baptist would say. It says what it means and means what it says, and even though I might not fully understand something or a doctrine I do not chuck it aside as not for today. Just because I accept the Gifts of the Spirit as for all believers has nothing to do with being a Baptist.
    I go to a conservative SBC and they know I am Bapticostal and they said come one in brother for we have many here that have a Pentacostal background amd anyone that confesses Jesus as Lord is welcome here. That is my kind of Baptist church .One that welcomes all brethren . They might not join if they choose not to but they can be under the watch care program.
    The church I attend is traditional SB and I respect that and would not force my beliefs on them and they do not preach hate from the pulpit against other Christians.
    Even Jerry Falwell in one service mentioned one of the members there as the Bapticostal. You are just so narow minded that you cannot see past what God is doing in his body today.
    I know of one church in Norfolk, Virginia, Bayview Baptist Church , one of the oldest and largest SB churchres in the area. About 20 years ago the same Spirit that swept through the churches in Acts visited there and what a move of the Holy Spirit. They are still there and still blessing and still Holy Ghost moved and still Southern Baptist. So please dont tell me that we cant be a Baptist and be full of the Holy Ghost and Fire..................
    Praise God for evermore.

    I changed to my Native American name Fat Eagle.
  12. Gershom Active Member

    Apr 2, 2004
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    Is the Fat Eagle of relation to the Wise Owl or the Strange Bird? Just wondering. Never heard of a Fat Eagle.
  13. mickd7 Guest

    Gershom: Sorry I do not claim to be wise maybe a little strange but arent all born again Christians, as far as the world is concerned.
  14. Gershom Active Member

    Apr 2, 2004
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    Just going on with ya.
  15. cindig New Member

    Nov 2, 2004
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    Fat Eagle,
    I think by reading your post that you have come back just as neagtive as you say everyone else has. You may be able to name different church's that may say they are SB, but the SB don't believe in a second filling(tongues) of the Holy Spirit. That is great that you have found a church where everyone is accepted. I believe it is important for a church to be in one accord. Too many problems can arise from people having different doctrines. I am a member of a SB church, that has had many Assembly of God people coming over as a result of both of the AOG's having problems. In our S.S. class we aren't free to speak about how we believe because they are quick to disagree, or to get mad. I don't think it is a good idea to think "As long as were all Christians, that's all that matters". I can't understand why people go to a church where they don't agree with the beliefs. As far as joining, I think if you are going to a church that believes in membership, you should join if you believe like they do, if not,then I think you should find another church.

    I don't want to have a book by Charles Stanley, that is on Eternal Security and have some snide remark made in my church where it is in our Baptist Faith and Message. It can cause way too many problems when people aren't in one accord concerning their beliefs.
  16. mickd7 Guest

    But cindig, I do believe the doctrine of the Southern Baptist, but I happen to believe that the Gifts of the Holy Ghost are relevant and for today. I do not push this on the brethren at church for I know how the SB feel about the subject. I only am thankful they do not get in the pulpit and preach against other believers.
    I am not negative towards individuals here and I do not call folks names and I do not judge them as how they stand with the Lord, but I do like to debate and discuss doctrine and teachings.
  17. mickd7 Guest

    How is it that a moderator chose to end one forum because some were questioning a particular group of Baptist, but all over these boards they slash and cut and without mercy tear down, judge and denounce other Christians and groups by name . I am a Baptist but I believe other groups of Christians are our brethren and we should love them and repect them and if they teach something what we feel is wrong then we should judge the teaching and not the Christian.
    Lets be fair here. Baptist are not perfect and there are false teachings going on sometimes and they should be fair game as well and not some sacred cow. Fair and balanced I say..... .
  18. dianetavegia Guest

    What do you mean, THEY?

    When you have a question about a specific thread, contact a moderator of said forum for an explanation. Many times threads are closed because they're hijacked and get off track onto politics, etc.

    I also believe you should not be allowed to post in Baptist only forums.