Hyles Anderson College under Schaap

Discussion in 'Baptist Colleges & Seminaries' started by Dr. Bob, Aug 15, 2004.

  1. Pastor_Bob Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2002
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    I believe the issue is larger than Jack Hyles. It becomes a problem when any pastor, layman, or any Christian looks to a man more often than he/she looks to God.

    Just about every college that I have knowledge of carries the stigma that its graduates are mere "clones" of the leadership. In some cases that is true; in most cases it is not true.

    I attended HAC, but our church is nothing like FBC of Hammond; I preach nothing close to the style or manner in which Jack Hyles preached.

    I finished my education at OBC, but our church is nothing like Windsor Hills Baptist Church. My style of preaching is not even close to that of Jim Vineyard's.

    I am an Independent Baptist for the simple reason that I can pastor this church how I feel that God would have me to pastor. I do not feel any pressure whatsoever to bend due to the methods or practices of any other church, college, fellowship, or association.

    BTW csmith, Praise the Lord that BTK was finally caught.
  2. csmith New Member

    Mar 11, 2002
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    Pastor Bob,
    I agree with you 100%. I graduated from Great Plains Baptist College in S.D. They have the exact same problem there. The young men who leave there it seems are either clones of the pastor or they have seen through all of the "false worship" and become very strong independent, Biblical thinkers. I used my situation as a lesson to make sure that I have no followers (except that I follow Christ).

    Yes, I am glad they got BTK. I am even happier that he wasn't a member of our church. I pray that he accepts the Lord while incarcerated. Nothing is impossible.
  3. Broadus Member

    Nov 30, 2004
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    When were you at HAC? I was there from '76-'78 and am also about as far from both Hyles and Vineyard as possible.

  4. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Pastor_Bob doesn't have the opportunity to get online much, but I believe he was at HAC in the early eighties.
  5. Broadus Member

    Nov 30, 2004
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    Thanks for the info. Always hoping to make contact again with a buddy from a long time ago.

  6. Askjo New Member

    Feb 7, 2003
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    Right, Dr. Schaap took Dr. Jack Hyles' pulpit position because of Dr. Schaap's wife who is Jack Hyles' daughter.
    Deafposttrib, I can't remember where I learn about that. Hyles contradicted himself because he said anyone can get saved through the KJV only, but he ran around in regard of incorrect translation in the KJV.
    What college did you enroll?
    Dr. Jack Hyles was so mean, unloving father to Dave. How sad!
    Ego - Big shot!
    Jack's role caused Dave's role for being a nut.
    I think, the point is that Dr. Jack Hyles favored which church using the KJV only -- **famous** name such as Lee Roberson, Curtis Huston like that.
    Whoa! Whoa!
    It is a worst Hylesolatry!
    More Hylesolatries!
  7. DeafPosttrib New Member

    Apr 9, 2002
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    You ask me, what college I enrolled, that college required us to read Dave Hyles' book. I took that class at B.I.M.I. Deaf Bible College(now Harvest Deaf Bible College) in Ringgold, GA. I am sure that you already hear that college before, because you know Dr. Reggie Remple very well.

    Let you know, Reggie Rempel strongly opposite against Hyles, and that college. He told me, it is cult.

    Let you know, Havrest Deaf Bible College no longer require students to order Dave Hyles book through Sword of the Lord Publishers. College use different author, or odering another company on Man's Role for the class.

    In Christ
    Rev. 22:20 -Amen!
  8. Dr. Bob Administrator

    Jun 30, 2000
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    He's got that one right on the money!!
  9. AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Dr. Bob, we have to remember, though, there are many involved in that cult that truly are our brothers and sisters in the Lord, and it is just possible that HE'S told them to stay. Why? I wouldn't know, unless it's to keep some symblance of order against the machine. I'm not defending HAC/FBCH or Schaap. I am saying we shouldn't be so quick to judge who belongs where.
  10. DeafPosttrib New Member

    Apr 9, 2002
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    Let you know, Reggie Rempel's brother-in-law graduated from Hyles-Anderson College. Now he is pastor of an independent fundamental baptist church in area of Washington D.C.

    His brother-in-law said, too many who graduated from HAC, still follow Dr. Hyles' way, and "I am 100% Hyles". He rathers not follow Hyles' way, he rather to follow God's way than Hyles. Also, he said, too mnay worshipping Hyles is sad.

    In Christ
    Rev. 22:20 -Amen!
  11. AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    DPT, I agree with you on that. Many who have graduated from Hyles have had a problem with being 100%ers. But, there are a remnant who are not, have not, nor will ever be in that category. Our former pastor here was a HAC student. He was a 100 percenter. The man he hired to come in as assistant pastor, and who is now the pastor of that church is a HAC grad, and is close to being a 100 percenter. He does however admit that Hyles had many flaws.

    Again, though I am not a fan of Hyles, nor will I ever be, I still believe that God calls people to HAC, and I believe that people ARE saved through that ministry. I don't agree with Schaap on everything, especially methods of evangelism, but I believe in one form or another, the Lord can reach people, even through him.
  12. Dr. Bob Administrator

    Jun 30, 2000
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    "It's never right to do wrong in order to get a chance to do right."

    The 100% hylesish mentality and its false doctrine is a horrendous sect of "christianity" (not sure of salvation; Hyles himself told me that he would be happy if 15% of his church members were truly born again) and is to be condemned and we should warn people to leave.

    Would you say that a Mormon who gets saved should stay in the LDS because God wants him there? I disagree.
  13. AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    It is a well known fact that Mormons don't preach the Gospel, Dr. Bob. Apples and oranges. Though I would not recommend anyone go there, I can't say where God is leading anyone. I could give reasons as to why I believe that He isn't. As far as staying for those who are there already, I know many who will say that God has led them to stay though they don't agree with Schaap. I can't see them staying if they're not in agreement, but I can't say whether they are to stay or not. (Hey...wow...some of those on the "other forums" that we post on would fall over dead seeing that we are having an honest exchange! LOL) ;)
  14. Mr. Taylor New Member

    Mar 7, 2005
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    Just remember this topic was not started as a place to post comments about Dr. Schaap. The forum was not brought up for you to dig his grave. If you have never been there, then you really can't speak out of experience. \
    Let us all remember, including me, that speaking harshly against a man of God is a very serious thing and it is not to be taken lightly. Heb. 12:7. The Bible never said a man of God would never have any naysayers against him. In fact, he said they probably would if they were doing things for HIM. Just a thought.
  15. AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Mr. Taylor, you sound like something called a 100%er! Apparently you don't know many facts about HAC/FBCH, where many of us here do from first hand experience. This topic WAS indeed started to talk about HAC under Jack Schaap, and that includes stating observations about the same. So, in that part of your statement, you are incorrect.

    Mr. Schaap, following in the footsteps of preaching man made doctrine as his FIL did, along with Bible doctrine, is not sound. He may be saved, and he may be in the pulpit, but this doesn't necessarily make him a "Man of God". It takes more than the ability to stand before a crowd and speak.
  16. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    I am not a 100%er. I do not know which preacher is a man of God and which is not, so I am not going to speak ill of Dr. Schaap, or any other Pastor who pastors a church where souls are being led to Jesus Christ.

    My daughter had Dr. Schaap as a SS teacher before he became a pastor and she enjoyed the classes immensely. She is not a 100%er either, but she and her family still attend First Baptist Church of Hammond.

    As large as the church is, 15% would be more souls than I will ever have the privilege of showing the plan of salvation and seeing their conversion.
  17. AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Sue, I know you're not a 100%er. I, too, have defended Mr. Schaap. I knew Dr. Hyles, and as I've stated many times (maybe not on the Baptist Boards...I can't really recall...I know I have on the FFF) that I'm grateful for many of the things Dr. Hyles did. He really encouraged Faith Baptist to have a bus ministry and to get it going strong. If Faith wouldn't have had a bus ministry, I doubt my family would have come to the Lord. Dr. Hyles was great at motivating, and there is no denying that. I believe Dr. Schaap is also. Dr. Hyles was great at public speaking. Schaap is also. I've only had a brief personal encounter or two with him, and I do know that he has carried on many of the erred positions of his FIL. It is never in error to warn people of error, even if the person is sound in other areas. I know that many are still coming to the Lord at FBCH/HAC. I will not deny that. And as stated, I do believe the Lord still leads people there, just as I believe the Lord leads people to the SBC and the Evangelical Free churches, contrary to the opinion of many. My position isn't one of attack on Dr. Schaap, but neither is it one of approval.
  18. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    At least you, unlike so many others, admit that there were/are GOOD things done by both men...
  19. AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Yes, Sue, and I always will. I don't believe one should throw out the good with the bad. That's why I take offense at so many who would go after Billy Graham. Billy Grahams cousin, Dr. Virgil Graham, the late pastor of the church associated with yours, was my pastor for several years.

    Dr. Schaap will always be in my prayers, as will FBCH/HAC because they are leading souls to the Lord and Dr. Schaap is my bro in the Lord! I try to be as balanced on things as I can, even if/when it offends.
  20. NaasPreacher (C4K) Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2003
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    I lost a lot of respect for Dr Hyles before all this came out, or at least before I knew about it.

    He was speaking at a high school chapel were I was teaching back in 1986 (or so). My Bible students were required to have their Bibles open and take notes. He yelled (literally) at one of my students, "Close that Bible and don't write down what I am saying - I want your eyes only on me, you don't need to look at your Bible!"

    A preacher saying - "Don't look at your Bible"?